April 13, 2007
Do you ever worrying about things you can't control? I find myself in a frequent state of anxiety, worrying about things that (more often than not) never happen. I often pray and "give" these situations to God, but then I unintentionally take them back, thinking I have the answer.
April 09, 2007
In our daily lives and our athletic venues we face many giants. Maybe it is an opposing team that you are playing, and the critics give you no chance of competing with the "giants," much less beating them. Or maybe it is your job, your finaces, your past or even raising your kids. Regardless, the giants in our lives are there to do one thing: intimidate us and steal the hope that God has given us through His Son, Jesus Christ.
David told Saul in
1 Samuel 17:32, "Let no one lose heart on account of this Philistine." But still, many people ran from the giant, Goliath. It says in
1 Samuel 17:24, "When they saw the man they all ran from him in great fear."
April 03, 2007
Back in 2006, the FCA staff in Florida suggested we do a story in STV magazine about the University of Florida Huddle President, Lee Humphrey. Lee was a starter on the Gators' basketball team, and apparently was just an all-around outstanding example of Christ. At the time we received the article idea, however, we were already finished with our college basketball stories for the spring and were unable to do the article.
March 31, 2007
March 28, 2007
Gatorade has posed the question, "Is it in you?" in its famous ad campaign. Each ad emphasizes the ability of their product to quickly replenish an athlete's body with the nutrients lost during competition. To back it up, the company provides scientific evidence that it better rehydrates athletes than water.
March 28, 2007
Why do we play sports? What is our priority? Whom are we playing for? These are questions we each struggle with as players and as coaches. If we search our souls, I believe that each of us will find that we all desire to win and that we each play for some personal reason beyond "the team," whether it be for personal glory, personal gratification, etc.
But when we gather together to play as a team, those who thrive have the ability to do two things: 1) put aside their personal goals and priorities, and 2) align themselves with team priorities. Great team victories have been achieved by groups of individuals who determined their priorities and submitted to their team goals.
March 28, 2007
For the first time ever, NASCAR rolled out its "Car of Tomorrow" in a race, the 2007 Food City 500 in Bristol, Tenn. One of the biggest critics of the car, Kyle Busch, took home the checkered flag thanks to the courteous driving by second-place finisher, Jeff Burton. "My mother always told me to do unto other people the way you want them to do you," Burton said. "I could have used the bumper to move him out of the way and win the race, but I didn't want to. If you can't pass him without knocking him out of the way, do the best you can."
March 21, 2007
I recently read Rick Warren's book "Better Together" for a series our church was going through. In it he discussed how important it is to share our faith, be a witness and show the love of Christ. One of the analogies he gave was this: "If you knew the cure for cancer or aids, and you kept it a secret, telling no one while millions continued to die, would that be loving? Of course not. If you knew the key to extending human life by 50 years, would you want to share it with others? Of course you would. But as believers who've learned the way to eternal life, we have an even more important, longer lasting, and urgent message to share with the world, and love leaves no choice. Because love cares about the destiny of others."
March 19, 2007
University of Iowa junior Mark Perry had wrestled Johny Hendricks many times in his life and had come up short every time. When Perry and Hendricks met for the fourth time in the 2006-07 season and the national championship was on the line, however, Perry pulled off the upset with a 4-3 victory. Iowa assistant and wrestling legend Dan Gable said of Perry, "He never acted like he could not beat him. He taught himself that no matter how many times he gets beat, he analyzes it and can beat anybody. And I think he proved that tonight."