Key Verse:
So God created man in His own image; He created him in the image of God; He created them male and female.
Genesis 1:27
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Key Verse:
So God created man in His own image; He created him in the image of God; He created them male and female.
Genesis 1:27
Key Verse:
If we say, "We have no sin," we are deceiving ourselves, and the truth is not in us. If we confess our sins, He is faithful and righteous to forgive us our sins and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness.
1 John 1:8-9
San Diego Chargers running back LaDainian Tomlinson talks the priorities we have in our lives and the way that we use our gifts.
Key Verse:
…for You gave Him authority over all flesh; so He may give eternal life to all You have given Him. This is eternal life: that they may know You, the only true God, and the One You have sent —Jesus Christ. I have glorified You on the earth by completing the work You gave Me to do.
John 17:2-4
Key Verse:
Therefore, God's chosen ones, holy and loved, put on heartfelt compassion, kindness, humility, gentleness, and patience, accepting one another and forgiving one another if anyone has a complaint against another. Just as the Lord has forgiven you, so also you must [forgive]. Above all, [put on] love—the perfect bond of unity.
Colossians 3:12-14
Josh Hamilton of the Texas Rangers talks about his addiction and how addiction can be overcome with God's help.
Key Verse:
Whoever lives with integrity fears the LORD, but the one who is devious in his ways despises Him.
Proverbs 14:2
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