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  • No Off Season

    September 30, 2003


    Leader: All right! Everyone…everyone attention. Listen up! HEY YOU GUYS! (all are quiet) It is time for the annual FCA Talent Show. Now I expect that everyone has practiced and I must say that dress rehearsal was just nifty. But now it's time for the real thing. So…PLACES EVERYONE! And remember there's…

    Everyone: NO OFF SEASON!!

    Leader: Great! Move along. Now presenting all the way from Lord only knows where, a display of some of the most interesting talent this side of Paducha. Here they are, this year's FCA Huddle Leaders in their interpretation of NO OFF SEASON!

    (Each group of Huddle Leaders do a short interpretation of NO OFF SEASON. It should be no longer than a minute. Come up with your own ideas or in desperation look below.)

  • No Heart Life

    September 30, 2003


    The girl is escorted around the room by the first guy. He then asks her if he can have her heart. She says, “no, I’m not ready yet.” He says’ “Oh come on, everybody is doing it.” The girl gives in and tears ¼ of her heart off and gives it to the guy. He takes it and walks off.

    The girl is then escorted around the room by the second guy. He asks her if he can have her heart. Again, she says, “No, I don’t want to go that far.” He says, “If you love me, you will.” She gives in and tars off another ¼ of her heart and gives it to the guy. He walks off.

  • My Jesus

    September 30, 2003


    You need someone to play Jesus and five other characters. Jesus is standing in front with His hands at His side looking forward. He has no expression on His face.

    Other Characters:
    Sports Fanatic - needs to have a football, basketball, or volleyball. He/she comes in and looks at Jesus, then looks at the huddle and says, “That’s not what my Jesus looks like! My Jesus is a basketball player.” That person then bends and forms Jesus as if He were shooting a foul shot and puts the ball in Jesus’ hands. Mold Jesus into whatever sport you want. The person then says, “That’s what my Jesus looks like!” Exit.

  • IMA...

    September 30, 2003


     Have different people stand up and say “I’m in/at a _____________, so I must be a _____________. This will make it obvious that just because we live in America, we aren’t automatically Christians.

    Number of Characters:
    As many as you like! Examples are as follows to fill in the blanks:
    garage, car; Nebraska, cornhusker; football field, football player; barn, chicken;
    White House, president; microphone, singer; watch, time; zoo, monkey; church,
    Christian; FCA Camp, Christian

    Read 1 John 5:11.

  • If I weren't a huddle leader...

    September 30, 2003


    Plot of Skit:
    Each person has an occupation that they would be if they weren't huddle leaders.
    This is just a funny skit that gives all the huddle leaders a chance to be up front.
    All of them sing the song with just one person at a time singing the last part…”a
    farmer I would be. Give, Bessie, give. My baby's got to live.” Then they all do
    their individual lines before repeating and adding another person.

    Characters: As many as you want

    Listed below is the song and some examples for you to use.
    If I weren't a huddle leader, I'll tell you what I'd be.
    If I weren't a huddle leader, a ________ I would be.

  • He Is Always With Us

    September 30, 2003


    A Christian teen doesn’t want to take Jesus to a wild party, when invited. At first, he says no but he doesn’t resist the temptation. After making a poor decision to go to the party, he ends up regretting the decision when he realizes that Jesus is with him at the party because now that Jesus is in his life, He goes everywhere. At the end of the skit, a couple of his friends, who are obviously Christians are walking by and they see him and say, "Hey, let's get out of here. We really know how to have fun.” 

  • Does He Still Feel The Nails

    September 30, 2003


    Two friends are visiting. The Christian friend tries to persuade the sinner that he needs Christ. The sinner is not ready for that and walks away. (Play the song here.) He runs into one demon at a time who burdens him with a sign (sin) of alcohol, sex, rebellion, etc. He acts confused and weighted down. Then he runs into Satan who calls his demons and they torture the sinner. He calls for help from his friend, but he can’t help and yells, “Only Jesus can help you.” The man being tortured realizes Jesus is the answer and yells “Jesus, I need you.” Jesus comes and slays the demons. Then he takes the sins off one at a time and stands on them and holds the sinner (till the end of the song).

  • Watch The Lamb

    September 30, 2003


    This is a music skit using the song ”Watch the Lamb” by Ray Boltz. Follow the lyrics of the song. You will need a hostile crowd, and man and two boys, Roman soldiers, two thieves (crucified with Christ), and Jesus. Act out the lyrics. This takes place at the time Jesus is going to the cross. It is a narrative of a Daddy talking to his boys about what is going on. Daddy is walking with his two boys, talking of the Lamb to be sacrificed. Thief #1 is led to the stage and put on a cross. Thief #2 is led to the stage and put on a cross. Jesus is led down, being kicked, mocked, etc. The Roman soldier gets the father to carry the cross while the boys just watch. Jesus is put on the cross. The Daddy and the boys watch intently.

  • The Boat Ride

    September 30, 2003


    This is read by a narrator while the actors act.
    Jesus and his disciples had spent a long day of teaching and preaching by the lake and the evening had come. The disciples were tired and hungry. So tired and hungry they could barely stand up. Jesus said, “Men, let’s get in the boat and head for the other side of the lake. There’s a McDonald’s over there.” When the disciples heard this, they jumped up and down with glee, giving each other high fives and hugs. Then they boarded the boat, talking sailor talk.

    After they all got on the boat and they were on their way, Jesus found a beautiful cushion and laid his head on it, because he was very tired. He went to sleep immediately. He slept soundly—so soundly he snored.

  • Tug-O-War

    September 30, 2003


    One: Yeah---It's time for the annual Tug, Tug-O-War!

    Two: Yes! It is Tug, Tug-O-War time!

    Judge: To your places, tuggers.

    One: Hold up! O Great Tug Awareness!

    Two: Yeah, before we get roped into this. What is this Tug-O-War thing anyway?

    Judge: HA---HAAAAAA! You're serious aren't you? Okay, Webster defines Tug-O-War as a contest in which two teams pull at opposite ends of a rope, each trying to drag the other across a central line.

    One and Two: Okay, Ready, 1, 2, 3 (Both pull against themselves - the wrong way)

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