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  • Bob Froese

    April 28, 2011


    Former NHL goaltender-turned-pastor Bob Froese talks about his days of defending pucks to currently defending the Good Newsl of Jesus Christ.


  • Bobby Bowden with Ron Brown

    July 11, 2009


    Florida State head football coach Bobby Bowden shares his whit and wisdom regarding his more than 50 years of coaching college football.

  • Body at War

    November 22, 2010

    Body at War

    Have you ever wondered why we are so competitive as athletes and coaches? Why when we get onto the playing field we take on a whole new persona? The competitive nature to win comes out in us all. We sacrifice for the team! We lay down that bunt or make the block so that the rest of the team can rejoice in the victory.

    Our flesh is competitive, but so is our Spirit. In Galatians 5, Paul talks about this very thing. Our flesh and our Spirit are at war with each other. The things of God are always and will always be completely different from the things of the flesh.

  • Bodyweight Workout - Lower Body

    July 02, 2008


    Here’s a simple 5 Minute LOWER BODY WORKOUT – just using your body weight!

  • Bodyweight Workouts - Core & Flexibility

    July 04, 2008


    Here’s a simple CORE and FLEXIBILITY workout to finish your training!

  • Bodyweight Workouts - Upper Body

    July 03, 2008


    Here’s a basic 5 Minute UPPER Body workout – just using your body weight!

  • Bodyweight Workouts - Warmup

    July 01, 2008


    You don’t need to join a gym or buy a lot of fancy equipment to make improvements in your health!

  • Bold and Beautiful

    March 19, 2010


  • Bold and Beautiful

    March 01, 2010

    Bold and Beautiful

    Really, they were just beautiful women in dresses. But the fact that they were basketball players seemed to make all the difference in the world. Last fall, when Florida State University launched its new women’s basketball Web site,, they sparked a blaze of unpredicted controversy. It seemed that the concept of women athletes in glamorous attire was a touchy subject. Radio shows received calls, FSU’s media relations phone lines lit up, and Head Coach Sue Semrau found herself facing and responding to tough questions about beauty, identity and femininity in sports.

  • Boldly Go (Integrity - Chapter 7)

    April 07, 2008


    To achieve any kind of success in life takes a certain measure of courage and boldness. This is especially true for the athlete who must believe in his or her talents and abilities enough to chase after a lofty set of goals.

    Jon Kitna is certainly no exception to that rule. As the Detroit Lions’ starting quarterback, he has come a long way, thanks mostly to an uncanny confidence in his ability—even when most others failed to recognize what the scrappy athlete had to offer. And it’s that same confidence—a confidence that he developed growing up on the unsavory east side of Tacoma, Washington—that Kitna believes has allowed him the opportunity to be a unifying force in every locker room he’s ever occupied.

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