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  • God's Draft Picks

    April 30, 2010


    Former University of Florida quarterback Tim Tebow had arguably the greatest college football career of any player. He was awarded the Heisman Trophy, set a record for most touchdowns scored in a career, and he led the Gators to two BCS National Championships. Tebow’s trademark look during his college days was the eye-black strips (used by athletes to fight the sun's glare in their eyes) he wore with Bible Scripture references written on them. He was never ashamed to talk about his faith in God, which oddly caused many to question his mental toughness.

  • God's Fearless Warrior

    October 07, 2005


    One of my favorite Bible stories is David versus Goliath. David was small, weaker than most his age and, by the world’s standards, not prepared to play in the “big game” against the Philistines. If we had read the pregame report for this battle, David would not have been on the roster. But David surprised everyone. He was empowered by his belief in a God who could overcome any obstacle or challenge—even a Philistine giant!

  • God's Fingerprints

    October 30, 2007

    Game four of the 2007 World Series featured a pitching match-up of two men who had faced more pressure than their current big stage could offer. Jon Lester of the Boston Red Sox and Aaron Cook of the Colorado Rockies both had life-threatening illnesses they had to overcome in order to make it to the pinnacle of baseball. "I don't think it's a coincidence," Rockies manager Clint Hurdle said. "I think this game drips with irony. I believe in a lot of different venues that God's fingerprints are all over a lot of things if we are able to open our eyes and recognize it."

  • God's Game Plan

    December 09, 2012


    Coaches work hard to get the job done for their programs, but the head coach spends even more time in preparation for his or her meetings with staff in order to plan for the year ahead. And it's not just the season preparations that need to be done, but also pre-season, post-season and summer workouts to consider. The head coach must think of everyone in the program and blend every person together for the success of the next year.

  • God's Grace

    January 13, 2010


  • God's Grace

    April 27, 2010


    If we were to count on our hands the number of times someone has let us down or the number of times we’ve disappointed someone else, we’d definitely run out of fingers! Because we are human, we fail all the time, whether in relationships, careers, or daily disciplines. In fact, our life on earth seems full of opportunities to learn from our mistakes. So it’s a good thing we have promises like Psalm 103:12, “As far as the east is from the west, so far has He removed our transgressions from us.”

  • God's Nutritional Plan

    November 01, 2008


    God created food for our bodies to give us energy, sustain life, prevent disease and facilitate healing. Our food choices will affect our mood, mental focus, physical performance, weight, immune system function, decision-making and appearance. Athletes today have access to more information with respect to eating for peak performance than ever before. In order to compete at our best, we must know exactly what to eat and when to eat it!

  • God's Playbook

    July 24, 2006

    Most sports have a playbook or a set of rules to follow for their program. This book tells how things will be done on and off the field for success in the system. As a player, if you follow these guidelines, you should have success in the system. I recently heard one coach refert to his playbook as his "bible." Obviously, he highly values the book.
    As we read through Psalm 119, we find many verses that reference God's Word. The author of the Psalms repeated over and over that God's Word guided him. He understood that God's Word was the only playbook he could follow that could give him true, absolute direction for his life.

  • God's Team

    September 22, 2006

    Great teams are made of players who make contributions on more than just game days. You may not be a starter, but with the right perspective, you can make an impact on your team's performance.
    In this passage, the older brother displayed the wrong perspective. He viewed himself as a servant rather than as a son. He got his self-worth from what he did rather than from who he was. Do you know that as a Christian God views all of us as sons and daughters? He loves us regardless of our role on the team, how small our bank account might be or what our title is at work. In fact, He sent His only Son to die for us even though He knew we would deny Him (Romans 5:8).

  • God, the Builder

    August 01, 2012


    I’m a Longhorn, a proud University of Texas graduate. I worked hard to earn a degree and even met my husband there. So, yes, we’re both Longhorns!

    I used to say we weren’t those “fanatical Longhorn fans,” but then I noticed the amount of burnt orange clothing hanging in our closets, the UT flag on the front of the house, the room in our house that is painted burnt orange, and I realized I needed to admit we were a little more “fanatical” than I thought.

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