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  • Subtleties of Serving (Serving - Chapter 12)

    October 09, 2008


    When you are a sports legend like Coach John Wooden, the opportunity to give of your time and resources can be found waiting around every corner. People have been looking to attach his name to charitable causes and have been chasing him down for personal appearances ever since he became synonymous with college basketball greatness.

    Wooden, being the servant leader that he is, has graciously accepted many offers over the years. He has visited numerous veterans’ hospitals and children’s hospitals. In fact, it’s organizations that support kids that really get his attention.

  • Success

    April 26, 2010


    In today’s world it seems like every one defines success in numbers of wins and losses. Not everyone is going to win all the time so it is not a very good measure of success. With all the pressure put on players and coaches to put up the big win numbers we are all losing sight of why we really play the game.

    John Wooden defines success as, “the peace of mind that is a direct result of self-satisfaction in knowing you did your best to become the best you are capable of becoming”. How many times have you seen people wanting success but not wanting to put the work in to achieving it? I like to work out on the stationary bike and treadmill.

  • Success

    October 18, 2010


    Success is peace of mind that is a direct result of self-satisfaction in knowing you did your best to become the best you are capable of becoming.

    When do we know that we have succeeded? When asking ourselves this question, we should forget what others think. They don’t know. We should be more concerned with our character than with our reputation. Our character is what we truly are, while our reputation is what others perceive us to be. As I have often said, having a good reputation doesn’t determine success. Neither do awards, accolades, or achievements.

  • Success and Significance

    January 08, 2013


    I’m a fan of Coach John Wooden’s book, Pyramid of Success. Throughout my teaching and coaching career, I’ve shared with others how it has influenced my life in many helpful ways. Recently, during an FCA coaches’ Bible study, it occurred to me that the ideas that influenced me could just as easily be called the “pyramid of significance.”

    Webster defines success as “an outcome or result; favorable or desired outcome; the attainment of wealth, favor or eminence.” The definition of significance reads, “Something that is conveyed as a meaning often obscurely or indirectly; the quality of being important.”

  • Success Breeds Success

    June 19, 2009


    Hanging out with successful people is like walking with the wise!

  • Success vs. Significance

    March 05, 2004


    She was a cute and happy kindergartener in the very first PE class I taught in 1987. I knew she would grow up to be quite a young lady. Seventeen years later, Kristen is a senior playing basketball for a Christian college in Indiana. Coming off an outstanding high school career, Kristen has had a hard time finding success at the next level in most people's eyes. You will not find a harder worker or a more disciplined ball player than this young lady, but for some reason her number is not called too many times. Many players in her situation would have quit by now, but not Kristen.

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