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  • The 3 D’s of Devotions

    March 02, 2014


    My dad loved to engage God daily. He was a passionate man who loved to challenge people to have a daily quiet time. Even though he passed away last year after a long fight with leukemia, his passion impacted thousands. He was the kind of guy who, if he met you for the first time and had just one minute with you to communicate one thing, he would address your personal quiet time. It was a passion that overflowed from him because it was such an essential part of his life.

  • The 5-Generation Rule

    June 03, 2009


    How we live will effect others for up to 5 generations - for better or for worse!

  • The Act of Worship (Serving - Chapter 6)

    October 09, 2008


    If you want to know how much an athlete loves his or her particular sport, find out about that athlete’s daily routine. The basketball player might shoot hundreds of jump shots and free throws. The baseball or softball player will likely spend an entire afternoon in the batting cage. The weightlifter can probably be found doing reps in the gym before and after class. The cross-country runner can usually be spotted jogging along the city’s sidewalks.

    Why do these athletes discipline themselves to such regimented and demanding workouts? They put in the time because they are driven to succeed. They are driven to be the best. And, ultimately, it’s this simple: They have a passion for athletic competition.

  • The Approval Syndrome

    October 04, 2013


    Sports today have almost consumed our society. Who can even imagine a world before Sports Center? It seems everyone lives their lives through other athletes and coaches—their successes and their failures.

    In this highly competitive world, the approval of fans and media can be very appealing, just as their disapproval can be very discouraging. As a Division I basketball coach, my teams and I are often the subject of lavish praise or severe criticism. I constantly struggle with the “approval syndrome”—the need for the approval of others. If I strive for man’s approval, I become elated with success and despondent with failure.

  • The Armor of God

    October 08, 2013


    In ancient times, a soldier was only as good as the equipment he had. His only source of protection was his armor and his sword. In ancient warfare, there wasn’t the option to carry out attacks from miles away like we can today. It was always up-close, in a large crowd with hand-to-hand combat, and you needed armor that could protect you from every side.

  • The Aroma of Sport

    August 21, 2009

    I love the aromas associated with sport. I recall vividly the smells, both beautiful and not so pleasant, from my life of playing my heart out.

    I love the aroma of:
    · Icy Hot on my elbow on October evenings as I drove to the softball field.
    · My new baseball glove with 3 in 1 oil rubbed into it, a ball in the pocket and tied shut with a shoestring – laid carefully by my pillow for the night.
    · Charcoal smoke wafting from nearby tailgaters into the football stadium during pre-game on fall afternoons.
    · Newly mowed, dewy grass on spring mornings at high school baseball parks.

  • The Athlete's Secret

    January 26, 2014


    What’s the secret of an athlete? Speed? Strength? Size? Training? Any of those will provide an edge, but none are the real secret. The most powerful secret of an athlete is actually a spiritual discipline—prayer. When was the last time we really pressed into prayer? Not the prayers that say, “God, help me with the big game today,” or, “Help me to play well.” I’m talking about intense prayer—a time of truly seeking God’s face and asking for His will.

    Many athletes may want to pray but simply don’t know how. Here are eight simple tips for praying:

  • The Attitude of Winners

    April 28, 2010

    There are times in baseball when it seems like nothing goes right. You drop a fly ball, you strike out, you ground into a double play, your team gives up a bunch of runs. . . None of those are very encouraging, and people usually get mad and throw fits in those cases. You see this in the pros all the time. Managers especially can throw some of the biggest fits if an umpire doesn't make the call that they want. You would think that adults wouldn't throw fits!

    Athletes and coaches often think that winning is everything, but truthfully, it is not. A person's attitude--win or lose--helps determine true winners and losers.

  • The Audience

    September 07, 2010


    Last year, I got the chance to play my first college basketball game in my home state. I was so excited to play in front of the 40-plus people who had come to watch. I wanted to play well and prayed that God would help me to do so.

    Much to my disappointment, I played the worst game of my life. I made only one shot in my team’s humiliating 30-point loss. I was so embarrassed that I didn’t want to talk to any of my family or friends who had come to cheer me on. I was afraid of what they thought of me and my performance.

  • The Battle

    August 06, 2007

    Competition. . . That is what drives coaches and athletes. I loved playing basketball. To this day, I love competing. Throughout our lives, competition takes on different forms. I love keeping score when playing golf with buddies, and I love recruiting high school players to the college ranks knowing full well that other schools are talking to the same players. I have always thought of competition as a good thing. I like the battle. I especially loved "the big game," in which the competition always seemed intensified. Giving 100% is easier against a rival, and over the years, I have observed that competing against an arch rival has the ability draw a team closer to one another.

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