Hockey Chat: Some players try to cheat by making it look like they were fouled. Maybe they got bumped but they make it look like they’ve been hit by a truck. The technical term for this is “Diving” and it is a penalty that will cost the guy trying to twist the system two minutes in the penalty box and possibly up to $1000 fine.
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Acts 20:24
Set:Hockey Chat: For those of you that play or have played on league teams you know the feeling of working and hustling through the whole game but just can’t get one past the goalie. Meanwhile the other team got a couple biscuits in the basket and all your hard work still came up a loss.
Set:I fell in love with my wife in 1993. In 1999, I fell in love with our first child, Jaycee. Then, in 2002, a new love entered my life when I was tricked into running a marathon. And I have been addicted to long-distance running ever since. I have completed the Oklahoma City Marathon and the Gardens of the Gods 10-Miler. What is significant about this addiction is that I had absolutely no running history before 2002. In college I was an All-Conference, 305-pound offensive lineman. I once told a running back that if he ran more than 40 yards, he better have some sort of moves because I was done blocking after 40 yards. But, oddly, the running addiction has gotten a hold of me.
Adhesiveness in Adversity
Set:Without a doubt, one of the greatest lessons I have learned from athletics is that if you “stick with it,” good things can happen. I was once in a junior golf tournament with only three golfers in my division, with trophies awarded to the top two finishers. The second-place trophy was more beautiful than the first, so I secretly wanted it. I shot poorly on the first day of the two-day tournament. My two competitors were neck-and-neck, but I was a distant third. Though tempted to withdraw, I was not raised to be a quitter. When we came to the tournament’s next-to-last hole, I was still so far behind that I seemed a mere spectator. The hole was a relatively short par three over a lake. One of my competitors hit every single ball he had into the lake.
Advantage of Adversity
Set:Athletes typically respect one another. We all share a single-minded, committed lifestyle that tends to be laced with adversity, but the adversity is the price we pay to excel. An athlete’s identity and purpose all too often hinge on performance, so what happens when adversity strikes, making our performance less than ideal? If our identity is wrapped up in athletic success, then we are resting on shaky ground.
Afraid of Success
Set:If you would ask any random person on the street if they were afraid to succeed, they would probably look you straight in the eye and say, "No." However, in most cases, that same person who claims to not be afraid of success might be the very same person who didn't go the extra mile at work for the promotion, or didn't apply for that great new job with a promising future.
After the Madness
Set:Four teams. Three great games. One champion. The madness was definitely present at the Final Four this year. People everywhere, parties all night, drinking out of control. Was the madness about basketball, or bigger than that?
Against the Wind
Set:A centurion named Julius was charged with escorting the imprisoned Paul to Rome. They sailed against Paul’s advice, hoping to reach a new destination before winter. The gentle breeze that blew in encouraged their voyage but then they became trapped in a tremendous fourteen-day storm, costing them their cargo and almost their lives. The majority of those on board had urged the trip forward, and the captain made the mistake of listening to public opinion.
Age and Other Limits
Set:Last night, at the age of 68, University of Connecticut men’s basketball coach Jim Calhoun became the oldest basketball coach to ever win an NCAA men’s basketball championship. In his team’s 53-41 win over the Butler Bulldogs, Calhoun earned his third title in his 39-year coaching career.
Calhoun’s milestone reminded me this morning about a man in Scripture whose age also made history. His name was Abraham, and, at the age of 100, he and his wife, Sarah, who was only 10 years younger, gave birth to their son, Isaac. While Abraham and Sarah had known for many years that God promised them a child, they couldn’t see how that would happen in their old ages.
Agree to Disagree
Set:The 2003-04 college football season has ended. So who is the best team in the country? USC and LSU both ended the season with only one loss and ranked No. 1 in the AP and coaches polls, respectively. Should there be a playoff system for Division I college football? Because these two teams will not get a shot to decide the national championship on the field, these debates will go on for a long, long time.
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