Why does God care so much about me taking care of my body?
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Mythbusters - 3 Days is enough?
The experts used to tell us that 3 days of exercise was enough to be healthy…is that true?
Mythbusters - As long as it’s fat free!
Is Fat really all you have to worry about? Or are other ingredients just as important?
Mythbusters - Diet soda is a healthy alternative
Have you bought into the lie that diet soda is better than regular?
Mythbusters - Eat whatever you want!
Hey, as long as you work out, you can eat whatever you want! Right?
Mythbusters - Eating Healthy is too expensive
While eating healthy can be expensive, but there are easy ways to cut costs and still eat healthy!
Mythbusters - Eating Healthy is too expensive
Is eating healthy really going to break your bank? Or do you get what you pay for?
Mythbusters - I can eat whatever I want…
Is it true that as long as I exercise I can eat whatever I want?
Mythbusters - I don’t have time for exercise
If you think you are too busy to exercise, think again!
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