Believe me, I realize how blessed my life has been. My parents are strong Christians who raised my brother and me to go to church every Sunday and develop a relationship with God. My brother, Luke, who played basketball at the University of Notre Dame, was very influential in my spiritual growth. We were both in small groups while in high school, and we learned a lot about the Lord during that time.
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Homestretch: Brian Pothier
The NHL isn’t full of Christians. It may be surprising, then, to hear me say that my years in pro hockey have been the most influential in my relationship with the Lord. I’ve met some incredible teammates and NHL staff who have encouraged and strengthened me in a proverbial “iron sharpens iron” kind of way.
Homestretch: Kevin Ollie
Los Angeles has so many potential distractions and pitfalls for young kids growing up there. But, in my own life, because God had blessed me with a solid faith in Him through the instruction of my mother, I was able to avoid most of them.
Honest Opinion
Set:NFL coach-turned-analyst Herman Edwards calls it like it is. You may or may not agree with him, but you will certainly not be bored. He isn't afraid to be open and honest based on his years of experience as a player and coach, and he doesn’t beat around the bush.
Honesty and insight - Daniel Study - Chapter 10
Daniel chapter eight is not discussed as a lesson, but is referred to in Chapter nine. Chapter eight deals mainly with prophecies fulfilled in the Greek and Roman empires that are more fully explained in Chapters 9-11. So for the sake of not dealing with the same information twice we will move to Chapter 9.
Secure coaches are honest. They are honest about themselves and the team. Without being negative for negativity’s sake, honest assessment is critical. Total honesty about your past and current situation is the starting block for knowing how to proceed in the future. Sometimes assessment is humbling, but to glaze over reality will only hurt your effectiveness in the future.
Honey, If You Love Me...
Make a team of guys and girls and have one of the groups say to the other, “Honey, if you love me, would you please, please smile.” If the person smiles, then it is a point for the team that made them smile. If they don’t smile, then it is a point for their team. Allow them either 2 or 3 tries to make them smile. Teams could consist of 4 or 5 members and only one member goes at a time.
Set:After 22 years of playing and coaching football, I won a championship ring while serving as team chaplain for the Mississippi Gulf Coast Community College football team. Under the leadership of Steve Campbell, that team finished number one in the national JUCO poll. They possessed a rare quality—honor. After every victory we gave God the glory. All year we honored our coaches, one another, our teachers, and parents. We made mistakes, but always came back to honor.
Honor Him
Set:The sports world loves to pay tribute to great athletes and coaches. Halls of fame, retired jerseys and numbers, street names and building names all honor famous sports heroes. But what are they really honoring? Some were great men and women off the field, but for the most part those things honor great achievements in athletics. In my book there's nothing wrong with that until we look at how we truly honor Christ in our sporting careers.
Honoring Buck
Set:I had the pleasure of meeting the legendary Buck O'Neil earlier this year. It was on his 94th birthday on a Saturday morning at the FCA headquarters in Kansas City, Mo. Ashamedly, I did not know who he was when he walked straight up to me to give me hug. After learning that I had just met a legend of the American Negro Baseball League, I remember feeling like I had embraced an angel overflowing with the love of Christ. -
Hooked Up
Set:As athletes, we train to become faster and stronger. We try to bring as much power to our sport as we can. We may engage in a weight-training program. We may go out and run. We may attend a sports camp. But even more important than our physical training is our spiritual training.
Consider a plain, ordinary lightbulb. How much power does it put out? On its own, it puts out absolutely none. It has to be hooked to a power source in order to produce light.
This reminds me of the apostle Peter, a very interesting person. He was a common man (a fisherman by trade) but also a powerful man. And we certainly have to agree that Peter was dedicated to his calling.
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