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  • Impossible Is Nothing

    January 29, 2008


    Team Hoyt has completed 216 triathlons, 65 marathons, 718.6 milers and 81 half marathons. The team consists of a father and a son, Rick and Dick Hoyt. For 25 years, Dick (age 65) has been racing with his son Rick (age 45). People do this stuff all the time though right? What makes their story so amazing?

    Rick Hoyt was born with his umbilical cord caught around his neck, causing the oxygen supply to his brain to be blocked. At eight months, Rick was labeled as a quadriplegic with cerebral palsy. Doctors told Mr. and Mrs. Hoyt that their son would never live a normal life; but they were determined to prove them wrong.

  • Impossible is Nothing - IF you Can?

    December 03, 2008


    Don’t let unbelief hold God back!

  • Impossible is Nothing!

    December 02, 2008


    Adidas has it right! Nothing is impossible with God!

  • Impossible is Nothing! Break the Barriers!

    December 04, 2008


    So what in your life seems like and impossible barrier?

  • Impossible is Nothing! The power of unity!

    December 05, 2008


    Uniting with other people in your quest for a healthy life makes you unstoppable!

  • Improve Daily

    July 11, 2013


    Athletes must strive to get better every day. No matter how talented we are, there is always room for improvement. We may be the best in our school or sport, but if we get satisfied, we will not become all God wants us to be.

  • In Cink

    May 07, 2009

    In Cink

    It was once thought that shorter men made the best golfers. But that turned out to be a myth, facilitated only by the fact that the best players at the time were under 5-foot-11.

    Stewart Cink is 6-foot-4, 205 lbs.—impressive stature compared to those tour champions of the past, and tall enough to set him above the tour leaders of the moment as well, but only by an inch or two.  But those who know Stewart Cink wouldn’t likely reference his measurements as what separates him from the crowd. Because more impressive than his physical presence is his spiritual stature, which is created by the manifestation of the Holy Spirit inside him.

  • In Everything

    April 11, 2006

    The debate over steroid use on the college, professional, and Olympic levels is growing. Allegations of steroid use have cost many athletes their jobs and their lives. When their first priority is to honor and glorify self, some athletes will go to extreme measures. Their hope is in themselves and in pursuing their own glory. If they fail, they feel worthless. Their worth is tied up in being the best no matter what the cost.

  • In Full Swing

    October 01, 2011

    In Full Swing

    The moment arrives in chaos.

    Electricity saturates the atmosphere, as if the air itself is a conduit of high voltage. The crowd noise starts to swell like a massive breaker off the coast, cresting with awe-inspiring force. Indeed, the fate of the free world seems to hinge on what happens next. At least, that’s how it feels when the score is tied, a base hit would drive in two, and the screams of 37,000 fans are echoing off every green-hued corner of baseball’s oldest cathedral.

  • In God We Trust

    November 11, 2008


    A week has gone by since it all finally finished. Another election has come and gone. Historical, yes. Life-changing? Time will tell. But I was reminded of a simple truth we see every day, but one that many seem to forget. It is in our pockets, in our wallets, in our banks. It’s not our money, but something inscribed on it. It is the phrase “In God We Trust.”

    The Psalmist teaches us a very good lesson. That all our hope, all our trust, all our reliance is to be in the Lord, the Maker of heaven and earth. Doubts and fears will come. Our current economic status has many wondering what is next, but do we truly put our trust in God? This goes far beyond who was elected to office at any level. It drives deep into the core of who we are.

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