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  • It's Personal

    December 05, 2006

    "I know that he's a competitor. I know that he does it the right way, and I have respect for him to that degree. But I'm not going to sit here and pretend like this isn't personal between us. There's a lot at stake." That is head wrestling coach Tom Brands from Iowa referring to his counterpart from Iowa State, Cael Sanderson, prior to their December 3, 2006, duel meet. Both coaches are in their first year at schools where they each became wrestling legends and won multiple NCAA championships. This was no ordinary duel meet, and it lived up to the hype with Iowa winning 24-6 with seven matches decided by two-points or less.

  • It’s a Choice

    November 19, 2008


    Alexis is a talented basketball player. As an eighth grader, she played on the varsity team at one school. Others quickly saw her ability and soon began mistreating her. Coaches and teammates beat her down mentally, and she began to grow a root of bitterness deep inside of her. She suffered several injuries and even transferred schools, but her situation did not improve. The root grew deeper and deeper.

  • It’s a Good Day

    June 28, 2011


    Every morning at the FCA National Support Center in Kansas City, we circle up in our Hall of Champions for a time of prayer at 8:30 a.m. We come together to pray over our FCA staff, athletes and coaches across the country; about events in the ministry; about things going on in the world; about personal requests—just whatever needs to be prayed for that day. During our time, we also read a Psalm of the week. What better way to kick off a time of prayer than by reading such real and authentic passages, many of which display raw emotions of every kind?

  • It’s About Love

    November 13, 2009


    Rulon Gardner and Dremiel Byers were both vying for one spot on the 2004 U.S. Olympic wrestling team. Gardner was the 2000 Olympic gold medalist and 2001 World Champion and Byers the 2002 World Champion. Gardner won a pair of 2-1 overtime matches at the Olympic Trials and Byers laid down his pride and went to Athens to help prepare his friend for another gold-medal run by serving as his training partner. Gardner came home with the bronze medal and a gold-medal friend. Would he have done the same for Byers? No doubt about it!

  • It’s All About Heart

    January 17, 2013


    It takes heart to play sports. Coaches fire up their teams by saying, “Go out there and play with all your heart!” While skills and talent are important, playing with heart separates the good from the great. When my daughter plays basketball and looks toward me, I pound my hand on my heart. It is my sign to encourage her to play with heart. Playing with heart is about drive, passion, and desire.

  • It’s All about Relationships

    September 15, 2009


    Late in 2002, Francisco Rodriguez burst onto the Major League scene as a 20-year-old fireball pitcher, and he promptly helped the Los Angeles Angels win the World Series. On September 13, 2008, he nailed-down the final three outs of the team’s win over the Seattle Mariners to earn his 58th save of the season, thus, breaking the Major League record. After the game, Rodriguez said that during the experience, he could feel the presence of his grandfather, who had passed away 10 years earlier. “I felt like he was right next to me,” Rodriguez said. “He's with me every day. I would give up anything to have him right next to me and enjoy this moment.”

  • It’s Better to Skip a Meal

    July 13, 2009


    Are there times when not eating is better than eating?

  • It’s Easy Early

    January 28, 2010


    Sometimes the weight comes off easy to start…then you have to work!

  • It’s Not about Me

    December 17, 2012


    John reminds us to focus on God, and not think highly of ourselves. I once spoke at an event for a large number of kids. Before me, another speaker fumbled through his words in a monotone voice. As I listened, my sinful side said, “Dude, those kids are going to love you compared to this guy.” I couldn’t believe what I was thinking. My pride rose up and I hadn’t even stepped on stage. I was soon reminded, it’s not about me. The host introduced me as a youth pastor—which I’m not; and in the closing prayer, thanked God for me—using the wrong name. I drove home laughing. Those kids had no idea who I was or where I worked.

  • It’s Not About You

    September 08, 2013


    As competitors, we want to be the best in everything. Being good is good, but being best is better. We want to go from good to great in every aspect of life. We have to be #1—on and off the field. Nobody remembers the loser. Second place? Seriously? We engage in the relentless pursuit of excellence!

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