As Christians, our ultimate purpose on earth is twofold: to bring honor and glory to our Lord and Savior, and to share His goodness and love with others. So often we forget that people are watching us and that God has commanded that we be a light to a lost and dying world. When I think of “letting my light shine,” I think of three ways that, as a coach and Christian man, I try to do that every day.
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Light It Up
Set: -
Light It Up
Imagine you’re on the game show “Family Feud.” You step up to the podium, and the host says, “Based on a survey of 100 people, name the most ungodly environment you can imagine.” You smack the buzzer before your opponent and blurt out the first thing that comes to mind. What’s your answer? Las Vegas? A fraternity house? A bar? Maybe Hollywood?Anybody out there say, “My locker room”? -
Like a Good Neighbor (Serving - Chapter 9)
Set:As the son of an Air Force chaplain, Danny Wuerffel had lots of neighbors growing up. He had neighbors in South Carolina, Nebraska, Colorado and even Spain. Eventually Wuerffel’s family settled in Fort Walton Beach, Florida, where he developed into one of the state’s outstanding quarterbacks. And while most kids in his shoes might have fallen prey to becoming typical military brats, Wuerffel had a much different understanding of his circumstances.
“The Scriptures say to love the Lord your God with all of your heart, mind, soul and strength and to love your neighbor as yourself,” Wuerffel says. “But we are unfortunately caught up with focusing most of our passions not on loving our neighbor but loving and caring and serving ourselves.”
Like a Rock
Set:Many of my friends find their identity in sports. Others, like myself, find their identity in how well they do in school. I know others who base who they are in what they do, how they look, or who likes them and who doesn't. The point is, we all build our lives on something. We all have something that matters to us more than anything else and defines who we are. And while God intends for friends, hobbies, possessions and abilities to provide us with enjoyment, we should not let them become the foundation of our identity and happiness. -
Like Christ
Set:Last week I felt as if there was nothing God was doing in my life. I had felt Him so strongly in the weeks before--He had been doing great things in my life. But then it felt like these blessings came to a screeching halt. -
Linger Longer
Set:“Because God has made us for Himself, our hearts are restless until they rest in Him.” – St. Augustine
We usually don’t like talking about our devotions, because we view it as personal and what works for us might not work for others. Even if we do share, others can take it as bragging or preachy! However, it is essential that we discuss not only what we are learning, but also how we are doing it. As teammates, we should encourage one another in our spiritual walks.
Since the beginning of time, love stories have been told and retold. Typically, they go something like this: Boy meets girl. Boy and girl fall in love. Boy and girl get married. Boy and girl live happily ever after.
Lion Living
Set:Wicked people live life with their heads on a swivel—looking for anybody or anything that might be after them. They might even sleep with one eye open! They live restlessly and peace is a foreign object. On the outside, these people may look like they have it all together, but inside their lives are complete messes. They only know wickedness, so they suspect everybody is just like them. Hence, they run even when no one is pursuing them.
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