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  • One Mission

    August 23, 2004


    The United States softball team entered the 2004 Olympic Games with one thing on their collective minds — winning a gold medal. Not only did they win the gold, they dominated. They went undefeated, outscoring their opponents 51-1, surrendering their lone run in a 5-1 win in the gold medal game against Australia. "That team is clearly on a mission," said Australian coach, Simon Roskvist.

  • One Mission

    July 06, 2004


    It's FCA Camp time again! Everything is set. The Huddle training done, the coaches are in place, the band is ready to rock the campers, and all is ready to begin. As a Huddle coordinator for our camp this week, I have the privilege of working beside someone who has embodied the mission of FCA for more than 20 years. She has served at more than 50 camps in various roles, and through it all her mission has remained the same.

    Every day, Carol "Coke" Long works hard to uphold the mission of showing each and every camper and athlete the right path to follow. She shares with the Huddle Leaders during training that her love for God grows deeper everyday and that sharing Him with others is her primary mission in life.

  • One Mission - Get It

    June 01, 2009


    Get It!

    The focus of this day is to understand that in order to GET a Mission in life, you must understand what truth is and where you can find it.


    Fill out the following “Press Guide” with the top five things that are true about you (height, weight, position, favorite sport, favorite food, year in school, hobbies, number in family, etc.)

    Share these things with a partner and discuss how you know the statements are true.

  • One Mission - Give it!

    June 01, 2009


    Give it!

    The focus of this day is to understand that once you GOT IT, you must GIVE IT in order to experience your true Mission.


    Design a practice jersey that would illustrate your Mission in life. Make sure to include your Mission’s “battle cry” (i.e. “All for One!,”
    “It’s gonna take all of me, “Watch Out – I Got It!”)

    With a partner share what your practice jersey looks like and your Mission’s “battle cry.”

  • One Mission - Got it!

    June 01, 2009


    Got it!

    The focus of this day is to understand that those who GOT IT have a heart that is impacted by Jesus, which in turn impact every area of their life.


    Your athletic career is over; you are at your Hall of Fame induction ceremony. The emcee for the evening is going to introduce you and all of your life’s achievements. Provide for them what you would want them to say in your introduction – both things that you have accomplished and things you would like to accomplish. Don’t limit to just athletic achievements. What would you want them to say about your character? Your lifestyle?

    With a partner share the key accomplishments that the emcee will highlight.

  • One Mission - The Mission

    June 01, 2009


    One Mission

    Meeting Focus

    To get to know your Huddle members and break the ice for discussion.

    More Getting to Know You (10 Minutes)
    Choose another Conversation Starter from page 20.

    The Roster (5 Minutes)
    If all Huddle members have not filled out the roster, make sure that it is completed at this meeting. (Make sure that this is returned to the Huddle Leader Coordinator after the Huddle meeting. This will allow them to check who is missing and if there is anyone who has checked in but is not with his/her Huddle.)

    Reflect on the Day and the Evening Program (10 Minutes)

  • One Of A Kind

    March 10, 2009


    Separate students into smaller groups of 4-8, preferably in a circle configuration. Call on mature student or adult leaders to facilitate each small group through this experience.

    Instruct each person in your group to think of one unique thing about him or herself that no else would know and write it on a piece of paper. Collect the papers and mix them up. Read each unique thing aloud and challenge students to guess who it is about. Continue until all the facts have been guessed.

  • One on One

    February 12, 2009


    Full interviews from the weekly Sharing the Victory Radio Program.

  • One Race

    June 05, 2009

    One Race

    If you gave him just 30 minutes to share his vision for the Denver FCA urban ministry, you’d be captivated. And at the end of those 30 minutes — if he could speak fast enough to squeeze in his passion and strategy — you might sink slowly back into your chair, exhausted at the thought of what God has called him to do, yet energized to see his vision come to fruition.

    To Rick Parros, white and black are just the colors he sees when he opens his morning newspaper. And race is just something sprinters do when they speed to the finish line.


    February 20, 2009


    Can asking one simple question keep me on track?

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