- Let’s take a look back at our season so far.
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Perseverance - Chapel
1 – Here we are at game number ___ of our season. -
Set:As an athlete how many times have you wanted to quit, or just stop and give up? I know as a cross country runner there are times when it's just too hot, and I don't want to run, so I stop and walk, even though I know it will only put me at a disadvantage later. It's just so tempting when that person who's usually behind you passes you, or someone in front of you starts walking. It's times like these when we need something many of us lack: perseverance and endurance. -
Persistence Pays Off
Set:We've all seen it. The superstar athlete comes out of the tunnel after a game, or he is spotted in somewhere public and a crowd begins to swarm him. People begin pushing and shoving, all jarring each other for a chance to get an autograph or picture with the one who made the unbelievable play, won the championship or was inducted into the hall of fame. -
Personal Devotion
Set:David believed in both personal and corporate worship, and therefore his public life reflected his private life. In fact, David’s love for God affected the worship of an entire nation. We read in 1 Chronicles 16 how the nation of Israel brought the ark of the covenant to Jerusalem, and as a result, David called upon key worship leaders to sing and make music to the Lord. “On that day David decreed for the first time that thanks be given to the LORD by Asaph and his relaives” (1 Ch 16:7). Given that David was a musician and songwriter and Asaph was a worship leader, the psalm in 1 Chronicles 16 is filled with praise and thanksgiving. It was set to music and sung before the people.
Personal Fouls - Chapel
9/8/07 South Carolina vs. Georgia – 2 flags in opening quarter = 30 yds.
They seem to frequent the field in high school, college, professional sports. They can come from many things – late hits, illegal blocks, and even words. And when an official has seen enough he will usually throw the flag…
But how about beyond the field to our lives, is it really important what we say?James 1:26 – If anyone thinks himself to be religious, and yet does not bridle his tongue but deceives his own heart, this man’s religion is useless..
James 3:5/12 – The Tongue -
Perspective from Behind
Set:The runners slipped past me one by one. When I looked behind me, I didn’t see anyone left. Denial set in. I couldn’t possibly be in last place, could I? It had felt like I was running right on pace!
I cranked my neck around—something our coach had told us never to do—and, in a panic, again, I saw no one. I couldn’t reconcile myself to the thought of finishing in last place. No runner who competes at state their freshman year could possibly finish last at the district meet in their sophomore year.
I knew I had to make the decision whether or not to finish the race. The thought crossed my mind that if I dropped out, I wouldn’t finish last, but something in my heart told me that that’s not what was supposed to happen.
Perspective on Prosperity
Years ago, I was on a 15-mile run along the coast with one of my unchurched buddies when the conversation turned to faith.
He asked, “Will a relationship with God help my running?”
Translation: What’s in it for me?
People don’t always say it, but that’s their question. Listen close and you’ll hear it a hundred times a day in a hundred different ways. We can’t help it; we’re egocentric by nature.
Philippians 1:21
Set:Hockey Chat: Keeping the puck out of your net is necessary part of the game for a team to win. Guys have blocked shots with all kinds of body parts. Sliding and diving they do what they can to stop the puck from being shot into their goal. Each block is another benefit to the team.
Philippians 2:14
Set:Hockey Chat: Having 5 guys on the ice makes a team. Having 5 guys on the ice that are working together and covering each other makes a winning team. When we say that our position is just on Offense or someone else is a Defenseman, we are cutting away that we are all a team. Whichever color jerseys have the puck determines whether we are all on offense or defense. It’s when we complain or argue that “it’s not my position so it’s not my fault” we all fall down.
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