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  • Shaped Like a Glove

    June 29, 2012


    Trusting God seems to be one of the hardest things for me to do. While I can fully trust in my car to start every morning or in certain people I’ve just met, when it comes to trusting the One who has everything under control, I struggle. Even though that doesn’t make much sense, I am thankful that God knows my heart and loves me anyway. Imagine that. Even when I question where I’m going or what He is doing, He always seems to bring me right back to where I need to be: at His feet.

  • Share the Victory

    June 25, 2010

    Share the Victory

    The single most foundational truth of the Christian faith is what the Bible refers to as the gospel; that is the good news of Jesus Christ.  It is quite possibly the most overlooked part of our relationship to God, or lack there of, yet is absolutely the most essential aspect of knowing and connecting with Him. 

    Without the good news of Jesus the Bible has no validity.  Without the good news of Jesus our faith is worthless. Without the good news of Jesus we have absolutely no hope of ever entering God's kingdom, learning His ways, knowing Him, going to heaven, or enjoying the life God intends for us to have.  (1 Corinthians 15:12-28; 2 Thessalonians 1:5-12).

  • Shared Talents (Serving - Chapter 11)

    October 09, 2008


    Taking life for granted and daydreaming about greener pastures are things everyone does at one time or another. They are so common, in fact, that they’ve been the centerpieces of countless offerings from the entertainment world over the past 60 years. Feature films ranging from 1946’s It’s A Wonderful Life (starring Jimmy Stewart) to 1988’s Big (starring Tom Hanks) and 1990’s Mr. Destiny (starring Jim Belushi) have all tackled the subject.

  • Sharing Christ

    April 17, 2012


    Anyone who knows sports knows that turnovers and missed opportunities, especially in the game of basketball, spell disaster. This was never more apparent than in the championship game of a recent tournament, when our starting point guard had 11 turnovers before halftime, and our team faced a 12-point deficit. The message for her was simple at halftime: “What could you do with 11 more possessions? Could you score the 12 points we need? Perhaps dish out 6 assists to overcome the deficit?”

  • Sharing the Victory Radio Program

    February 13, 2009


    Listen to your favorite sports heroes share their lives combining sports and faith on the weekly radio program from FCA.

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