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  • Source of My Strength

    June 28, 2013


    We can all recall a time when we’ve competed to the point of total exhaustion, our bodies, minds, and souls fully spent in pursuit of a victory. How does one continue to compete at the point of physical breakdown and total collapse?

    The writer of this psalm knew what it was for his flesh and heart to fail. He had totally exhausted the capacity of his body to fight, but had lived on. He had been to the very end of his heart’s ability to love, but found renewed strength of soul.

    At the end of a body’s natural ability to compete, God is a limitless source of strength. When our hearts are poured out like much water, God is a river of life to the soul.

  • South Korea FCA Sports Camp

    May 08, 2009

    South Korea FCA Sports Camp

    This summer, FCA partnered with Korean Central Presbyterian Church and Global Christian School in Seoul to host a first-ever sports camp in South Korea. Our host, Jacob Hong, whom I’d met when we were both living in Northern Virginia, had been talking with me, praying and planning, for nine months to see FCA come to South Korea. And on July 24 that prayer materialized as an FCA team of 21 people crossed the Pacific to serve 175 South Korean campers through language, sports and spiritual education.

  • Space for God

    September 03, 2009

    From Times Online
    August 21, 2009
    Space for God
    Stuart Weir

    “It is good and right that our churches are setting a clear Christian emphasis during this World Championship. We are opening up space for God. It is necessary that sportsmen and women have the opportunity…to turn to God in prayer and share about their faith”.

  • Speak the Truth, Live With the End in Mind - Daniel Study - Chapter 9

    September 15, 2008


    Living with the end in mind is key to my confidence today. If, as a coach, you knew the final score of the game was in your favor, how would you coach during the game? In the game of life and eternity, God is the champion, and victory is guaranteed. Daniel chapters 7 to 12 give us a glimpse into the future in which God will reign with all who believe.

  • Special K

    May 05, 2009

    Special K

    There comes a time in a man’s life when he must decide about spiritual matters—what to believe and who to follow. For Kyle Korver, that decision came in the shower.


    While the scene wasn’t exactly Hitchcockian in nature, it did produce some dramatic results. There, in the bathroom of his Philadelphia apartment five years ago, Korver wrestled with deep, longstanding spiritual questions. He realized that his family’s strong heritage of faith did not pass on to him simply by bloodlines. He realized he had been treating Christianity  like a faucet, turning it on or off as needed.


    It was a long shower.

  • Speed Bumps

    April 18, 2014


    As athletes, it’s easy for us to find ourselves in situations that we never played out in our minds. Down by 10 in the fourth quarter against a team that didn’t stand a chance against us. Gripping our knee after tearing an ACL right before our senior season started. Left off the roster of the team we thought we deserved to be on. The list goes on and on. But it's how we handle these “speed bumps” of life that set us apart as Christians.

    Recently, I was faced with an unexpected speed bump myself as I found myself working on my second round of rehab from knee surgery. (My knee had decided it didn't want to comply to the demands of my coach and the sport I loved.) But having Christ at the center of my life was key in this situation.

  • Speedy Recovery

    June 05, 2009

    Speedy Recovery

    With a good lead off of second base, Texas A&M outfielder Sharonda McDonald sprinted to third after teammate Jana James knocked a single through the infield. But knowing her own ability to get from third to home in a mere 2.4 seconds, McDonald wasn’t stopping. Realizing the throw would cut it close, she slid cleats-first into home and scored the first run of the Aggies’ game against the Missouri Tigers.

    As the dust settled, however, McDonald knew something was wrong.

  • Spirit Stick

    January 29, 2010


    Hockey Chat:  Wood, aluminum, carbon composite, fiberglass.  Hockey sticks are made up of all kinds of different materials.  It takes time and practice, but once you find YOUR stick, you know it and use it with confidence. You puck handle and shoot the best you can with your stick.  Have you ever broke a stick and had to grab a different one quickly.  Right off the bat you know it’s not going to work well.  Your not use to it.  It’s not yours.  You have to play with it before you get comfortable using it regularly.

  • Spiritual Eyes

    August 13, 2012


    Basketball coaches love it when their players have court awareness. Unlike dribbling, passing or shooting where athletes rely strictly on athletic talent during the course of a game, court awareness is a talent that involves competing with mental alertness, seeing all the obstacles in advance and reacting while moving at full speed. The great players have that special ability.

    Many times over the years our team has competed against opponents with more physical talent. The games all start the same way. The opponents strut onto the court with a sense of confidence and a swagger in their own abilities. Their body language indicates they’re confident of dominating the contest.

  • Spiritual Medicine

    May 07, 2009

    Spiritual Medicine

    Native Americans, after inventing lacrosse centuries ago, called it “the medicine game.” They said it was a supernatural gift, possessing the power to bond and heal communities.

    “People from the tribe hoped if they played hard enough and the ‘Creator’ was pleased with the game, he would take energy from those who played and transfer it to someone sick in the tribe,” said Christian Zwickert, the fifth-year men’s lacrosse coach at Wesley College, a small United Methodist school in Dover, Del.

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