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  • Strength and Courage - Chapel

    October 25, 2007


    1 – Today’s contest will require strength and courage for us to finish the day with a victory.

    2 – Strength and courage are character qualities required for all of life and especially for competition.

    • Joshua 1:9 (read the text aloud).

    3 – Be strong

    • Strong of mind (focus well and tune out crowd noise)
    • Strong of body (prepare to finish the contest strongly)
    • Strong of soul (to deal well with momentum swings)

    4 – Be courageous

  • Strength from Above

    January 04, 2014

    It was the same ritual before every basketball game: listen to the same song, read my “basketball prayer,” put on my lucky socks, and use my lucky hair tie. If I missed one of these pre-game activities, there was no way I would have a good game. I now find it amusing that my confidence as a high school athlete was so tied to these silly rituals. I thought my athletic strength depended on “good-luck” charms.

  • Strength in Numbers

    August 30, 2012


    Have you ever tried doing something alone? Something like running, working out or even watching a movie? If you have, then you know how lonely it can get and how much harder it is to finish the task. But, when you do have a partner—a sidekick, someone who has your back, someone who spots you in the weight room—doesn’t it seem to make you push a little more and work a little harder?

    When it comes to living as Christians, the same principle applies. Isn’t it more difficult to talk to a stranger about God when you’re alone? Isn’t it so much more tempting to slip into sin when no one is there to help you fight temptation?

  • Strength in Numbers

    September 22, 2009


    There is more than one person who mentors me and speaks into my life. If I have an issue, I have five mentors on whom I can call, and they all give me different perspectives. It takes many advisers to win the war. That doesn’t mean we should ask 100 people for advice. But there’s some godly counsel that you can have around to pour into your life, and it will keep your steps straight. That’s what happens with strength in numbers. That’s why I believe in accountability. If some issues are popping up, we can all come together in agreement and pull each other out of a bad situation. That’s a powerful thing. A lot of times, we don’t get enough people around us. We might just have one.

  • Strength in Numbers (Teamwork - Chapter 2)

    January 01, 2009


    Shaun Alexander has always been a winner. If you ask him the secret of his success, he will probably list more than just one—including the vital component of exemplary teamwork.

    Teamwork has been a part of Alexander’s competitive life as long as he’s been donning pads and strapping on a helmet. It fueled his success at Boone County High School in Florence, Kentucky, and vetted his Southeastern Conference (SEC) championship run at Alabama in 1999. The same holds true for the Seattle Seahawks’ 2005 National Football Conference title that led to a berth in Super Bowl XL.

  • Strength in Weakness

    July 06, 2013


  • Strength of Integrity

    October 14, 2010


    We never know when our past can be launched into the present. Owning a contracting company for twenty-one years in the same area in which I am an assistant coach can hold surprises. I have often coached athletes for whose parents I have done work. One of the items I emphasize to the athletes is personal accountability to yourself and your teammates. I also strive to run my business and base my life on the same principles. Whether it is with my employees, athletes, fellow coaches, friends, or family, the only way to uphold my integrity is through consistency in my values.

  • Strength on the Trail

    April 15, 2014


    It was my first trail race. I had run many road races, all on smoothly paved roads, but this was going to be different. The trail I would be running was notorious for its uneven terrain, rocks, downed trees, protruding roots and mud holes. Say to any trail runner, “Potowatami,” and immediately they start spewing advice.

    Before the race, a running friend of mine suggested that I get a road bracelet. You know, the ones where you can have all of your emergency info engraved on a wrist band. “Great idea,” I thought. “Not only will I have my emergency info, but I can also include a Scripture verse to encourage me!”

    Not sure of which verse to choose, I asked my pastor to suggest one. He immediately responded with Philippians 4:13. It was perfect!

  • Strength Training

    June 13, 2013


    How does strength and flexibility training improve one’s game? In what ways is a team better because of that training?

    Hebrews 12:12-13 states, “strengthen your tired hands and weakened knees, and make straight paths for your feet, so that what is lame may not be dislocated, but healed instead.”

    Certainly each player is able to compete at a higher level when he or she is stronger and more able to withstand injury. Thus, we hear the admonition to strengthen our “tired hands” and “weakened knees.”

  • Stress and Aging

    March 11, 2009


    Stress makes the President age twice as fast! What is it doing to you?

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