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  • Thanksgiving Power

    March 22, 2014


    The power of Thanksgiving is in the action.

    After every practice and every game, Jessie would approach me before leaving the field and utter one small but powerful sentence: “Thank you, coach!” During the entire two years she played on our high school girl’s lacrosse team, she never missed a single day of saying those three powerful words. Jessie understood the value of gratitude, and she wanted to make sure I knew that she did not take a single practice or game for granted. Jessie not only had an attitude of thanksgiving, but she also put it into action.

    Be the one.

  • That Good Part

    October 29, 2010


    It’s easy to make our way through the winning seasons; however, the struggles we face during losing seasons are what we tend to remember most. Most of us have experienced seasons where we’ve tried every plan we can think of, yet the team still struggles. It was during a season like this that Christ’s “good part” was revealed to me. The season began with one of our leading scorers breaking his foot. The problems mounted throughout the season, and the players and coaching staff began to buckle under the pressure. Arguments began and I started to worry about the team’s demise.

  • That's Easter!

    March 18, 2010


    Before He was ever crucified, Jesus gave the perfect summary of the foundation of Christianity. I just saw this in His Word for the very first time. I was thinking about Easter and thinking about the cross, when I remembered something Jesus said in Matthew 22:34-40.

  • That's My Boy

    December 18, 2006

    The game was tight, and the season was on the line. The Eagles, down one point, awaited the final free throw. With five seconds remaining on the clock and no timeouts left, the Eagles would need a basket to advance in the playoffs. Swish! Down by two now. The ball went into play for one last trip for the Eagles. The pass was made, but Ben did not have the time to find another teammate. He had enough time to make one move and let it go from half court. As time expired, the ball hits the mark, dead center, and the Eagles won by one point. Ben stood at half court, silent, with his feet together and arms open wide. The gym erupted with joy, and from the stands, you heard one voice over all the others. "That's my boy! That's MY boy!" It was Ben's father.

  • The "I Need To" Condition

    June 12, 2013


    Do you ever feel burnt out in your coaching or your training as an athlete? The daily routines of training and competing can easily crush our motivation if we’re not careful. During my college years, I enjoyed watching and coaching younger athletes as they competed in our annual kids camps. There’s something special that children exude during competition that we usually lack: a simple joy and love for life.

    As we seek to follow Jesus Christ in and out of our coaching or competing, we need daily reminders of who we are and the motivation to keep fighting the fight. The phrase “in Christ” occurs over 160 times in Paul’s letters in the New Testament. He consistently reminded his readers of their identity in Christ before a certain behavior or command was addressed.

  • The "Salty" Christian Athlete

    July 05, 2013


    I love the Olympics. The last time they were on, I could not help but stay up and watch. My greatest memory of the games was the opening ceremonies. As I watched athletes from around the world stand together, I was reminded of the power of athletics to build bridges between people from very different backgrounds.

  • The 'Extreme' Difference

    June 02, 2010

    The 'Extreme' Difference

    Coach Jeremy Williams led his Greenville High School Patriots to an undefeated regular season in football this year—an accomplishment in and of itself that deserved recognition—but this wasn’t about his win-loss record. The reason Williams was named the West Central Georgia FCA Coach of the Year was because of his unyielding, unending desire to share Christ’s love with others, even as amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) slowly and methodically destroyed his body.

  • The 3 D’s of Devotions

    March 02, 2014


    My dad loved to engage God daily. He was a passionate man who loved to challenge people to have a daily quiet time. Even though he passed away last year after a long fight with leukemia, his passion impacted thousands. He was the kind of guy who, if he met you for the first time and had just one minute with you to communicate one thing, he would address your personal quiet time. It was a passion that overflowed from him because it was such an essential part of his life.

  • The 5-Generation Rule

    June 03, 2009


    How we live will effect others for up to 5 generations - for better or for worse!

  • The Act of Worship (Serving - Chapter 6)

    October 09, 2008


    If you want to know how much an athlete loves his or her particular sport, find out about that athlete’s daily routine. The basketball player might shoot hundreds of jump shots and free throws. The baseball or softball player will likely spend an entire afternoon in the batting cage. The weightlifter can probably be found doing reps in the gym before and after class. The cross-country runner can usually be spotted jogging along the city’s sidewalks.

    Why do these athletes discipline themselves to such regimented and demanding workouts? They put in the time because they are driven to succeed. They are driven to be the best. And, ultimately, it’s this simple: They have a passion for athletic competition.

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