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  • The Race That Lies Before Us

    October 26, 2012

    The Race That Lies Before Us

    When Matt Barkley decided to attend and play football at the University of Southern California, visions of conference and national championships surely ran through his mind. But rather than seeing those dreams become reality, he was instead thrust into the role of the man who would lead the cardinal and gold through the darkness of NCAA sanctions. Given the opportunity to transfer or pursue NFL stardom, Barkley instead chose to remain at Southern Cal and now, in the midst of his senior season, he’s rewriting the Pac-12 Conference and Trojan record books.

  • The Real Head Coach

    September 04, 2010


    It’s the start of practice. Everyone has high hopes, goals, and expectations for the upcoming season. As Christians, the biggest goals are the ones God has for us as coaches and the athletes He has entrusted to our care.

    God has created each one of our team members, the coaching staff, parents, and all those connected with our programs. Twice in the verses above we are reminded of Jesus’ work in creating all things. In fact, today’s passage tells us that all things were created not only by Him, but also for Him. He also promises to hold thing—all things—together. This may not mean victory, or lack of challenges, but things will be  held together to accomplish His perfect plan and will in our lives and in the lives of those around us.

  • The Real Teachers

    April 16, 2013


    My very first day of coaching high school girls’ tennis fell on a hot August afternoon. As our practice was about to end, the only thing left was the distance run. I had my stopwatch ready to call out the time of each player as she finished. I knew this was going to be tough that first day; nobody was in great shape at the end of the summer after too many afternoons spent lying on the couch in air-conditioning.

    After our fastest runner crossed the finish line, she immediately turned around to see how far back the other players were and saw one young player far behind everyone else. Without hesitating she sprinted back to that last runner and began to run alongside her for the last leg. Our fastest runner did not want anyone to have to finish last or alone.

  • The Real You

    June 01, 2009


    Key Verse:

    Whoever lives with integrity fears the LORD, but the one who is devious in his ways despises Him.
    Proverbs 14:2

  • The Real You

    June 01, 2009


  • The Rebekah Principle

    March 29, 2013


    Becky was the best player on her team. Every one wanted to play like Becky. She was a hard worker, but there was more to her than what people could see. On a road trip, the last freshman selected for the team that year broke her foot during a practice before a game. When they arrived at the hotel that night, Becky carried her teammate's bags to her room and asked her to stay with her. For the rest of the trip, Becky helped this little freshman with everything she needed.

  • The Red Button

    May 02, 2009


    Ever notice how easy it is to stop a treadmill? All you have to do is press the “stop” button. It’s right there in the center of the panel in bright red. It’s genius! But that simple red button is also a glaring source of temptation. It begs to be pushed when the run gets too long, the legs get heavy, or the mind gets bored. In fact, that tiny button can do major damage to a training program if we give in to the temptation to push it.

    Every day, we as Christians face temptations from the enemy. Generally, he doesn’t waste time hiding them from us. He throws them right in our faces—kind of like red stop buttons in the middle of our running path with Christ.

  • The Relentless Competitor

    March 10, 2014


    Competitors love to have goals, and they pursue them with everything they have. Nothing will get in their way! They will give their all—all the time. They will not give up or give in. And they will not give out. They are relentless.

    “It’s hard to beat relentless.” – Jay Bilas

    Relentless is everywhere these days. There is a Relentless energy drink, Relentless Nike running shoe, Relentless movie, “Relentless” country album, and even a Relentless steak and lobster restaurant.

    As we unpack this concept of relentless competitor, there are several good one-word definitions of relentless:

  • The Return of a Dream

    April 01, 2011

    The Return of a Dream

    It’s easy to see why emerging NCAA track star Lana Mims has Olympic aspirations.

    The University of Missouri senior is the daughter of legendary four-time Olympian Madeline Manning Mims, the younger sister of former University of Oklahoma triple-jump champion John Jackson, and has dreamed of competing on the world’s greatest stage since she was a kid. But it was a dream that appeared destined to fall by the wayside, snuffed out by unexpected adversity, after Mims came to Mizzou in the fall of 2006.

  • The Richt Way

    October 01, 2010

    The Richt Way

    It all began with a blind date.

    As a graduate assistant on the coaching staff at Florida State University, young Mark Richt, who had been striking out in relationships, expressed his desire to meet a “nice girl.” Overhearing his statement, the girlfriend of Richt’s roommate suggested that she might know the perfect woman for him: her own roommate, Katharyn Francis. Immediately she set up a time for the four of them to get together.

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