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  • Always Represent Jesus

    November 21, 2008


    Being a witness isn’t a part-time thing!

  • Am I Moody?

    August 13, 2009


    Can exercise and proper nutrition actually get rid of my moodiness?

  • Am I Really New?

    July 21, 2008


    Is it true that I am a new person in Christ? What does that really mean?

  • Amazing Grace

    January 09, 2014


    As athletes and coaches we are, by nature, very competitive. We strive for perfection and are driven by the desire to succeed. Applying that same attitude to our walk with Christ can be extremely frustrating. No matter how hard we try, we will daily fall short of God’s expectations.

  • Amazing Grace

    March 14, 2011

    In his younger years, Bill had been an athlete. As he grew up, however, he made some decisions that took him away from his athletic roots. He started getting involved with drugs, alcohol and people who took him down many wrong paths. Because of his lifestyle, he was in and out of fights, hospitals and trouble for many, many years. His life was heading toward destruction.

  • Amazing Grace

    November 09, 2007


    Last weekend, at FCA's "Weekend of Champions," Pastor Nick Orduna spoke to almost 600 Nebraska high school students about God's amazing grace. He explained how God's grace is marked by His goodness, mercy and never-ending love for us, even though we deserve nothing but judgment and condemnation. How are we fortunate enough to receive God's grace?

    Romans 3:23-24 says that we all have fallen short of God's glory, but only by God's grace through the redemption of Jesus Christ can we be saved. It is often easy for us to lose sight of how amazing God's grace really is. We take forgiveness and mercy for granted, and don't even realize the love that God shows through His grace. Can you fully grasp the true meaning of grace?

  • Ambition

    May 28, 2009

    Ambition is a word which evokes strong reactions from people. Some see it as a powerful tool for accomplishment while others see it as a terrible vice to be avoided at any cost.

    Which are you? Does ambition seem to be an insidious evil or a genuine virtue to be developed? The real issue may be toward what ends is the ambition aimed? Are we ambitious for selfish gain or for the good of others? Are we ambitious toward superficial fame or lasting significance?

  • Ambitious - Chapel

    October 24, 2007


    Chapel – Ambitious

    1 – Introduction – Think about the goals toward which you are ambitious.
    • Team goals – post-season play / playoffs
    • A conference championship
    • All-conference awards (Academic also)
    • All-American awards (Academic also)
    • Simply another win, today.
    • This is good ambition. It’s not selfish and it benefits everyone associated with the team.
    • I see similar altruistic ambition in a man named Caleb in the Bible.

  • Amena Brown - Jesus Receives All the Honor

    January 06, 2010

    Amena Brown - Jesus Receives All the Honor

    Key Verse:  
    For Christ also suffered for sins once for all, the righteous for the unrighteous, that He might bring you to God, after being put to death in the fleshly realm but made alive in the spiritual realm. 1 Peter 3:18

    Watch the corresponding video, then use the questions below:

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