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  • Determined

    September 29, 2013


    When I think of a person who is determined, I think of someone who is strong and resolved; has deep inner convictions that drive their actions; ready to sacrifice; focused on their goal; and not easily distracted. I think of a person who refuses to give in and fights to the end. Teams that are determined will always give it their all. Determination is a great quality if it is for the right reasons.

    The Book of Daniel begins with Nebuchadnezzar besieging Jerusalem. Defeat happened quickly, and God handed the king of Judah to Nebuchadnezzar who declared defeat of Israel’s God and proclaimed his god, “Marduk,” more powerful. But the game was not over. Daniel, Hananiah, Mishael, and Azariah, knew that God always wins and chose to trust Him.

  • Detox - 2

    October 08, 2008


    Paul says it best - PURIFY yourself from everything that contaminates body and spirit!

  • DETOX for the HEART

    October 30, 2008


    Busyness and Prosperity can be the enemies of real depth! Tips for going deep!

  • DETOX for the HEART - 2

    October 31, 2008


    Do Materials Things have an unhealthy hold on your heart?

  • DETOX for the Mind

    October 27, 2008


    For real life transformation…it really is ‘all in your mind’!!

  • DETOX for the Mind - 2

    October 28, 2008


    The devil is the author of doubt, discouragement, and disbelief! Don’t listen to him!

  • DETOX for the Mind - Culture Wars

    October 29, 2008


    How to protect yourself from our TOXIC Culture!

  • DETOX: Oprah-Style

    September 26, 2008


    While a health “detox” can help restore vibrant health, don’t follow in Oprah’s footsteps!

  • Detroit Lions

    November 01, 2007


  • Deuteronomy 20:2

    September 10, 2010


    Hockey Chat:  Some of the greatest games began with a good ol’ locker room pep talk.  It was a talk by the coach or team captain.  It was the motivation to start the team off on the strong foot and carry them through the game.  Sure the team could’ve went out there and played the game without the words of wisdom, but the outcome may not have been the same.

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