Hockey Chat: Being a great hockey player takes a great amount of work. To reach to a level worthy of playing in the big leagues, guys persistently work at their skills. Things that were once difficult become easier with practice.
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All Archive - September 2010
1 Corinthians 9:8
Set:Hockey Chat: You don’t hear of penalties given for blocking the goalies view even though they hate when someone stands in front of them “screening” and then a puck trickles in unseen. There is no rule in the rule book about that therefore it’s an OK tactic. The goalie would like to make up that rule but if everyone got to write up their own rules for the book the game would be a mess.
Jeremiah 1:5
Set:Hockey Chat: Can you imagine during a game have a bunch of guys sitting on the bench. Then a skater comes up from your team ready to line change and every one on the bench just looks at each other. No one knows who is going to what position. Who’s up next? No pre-thought to what happens next, just confusion. Great teams know ahead of time who is going where and when. The coach has planned what line to go out next. He’s placed the players where they will be most effective and with others they will be effective skating with.
1 Peter 5:8
Set:Hockey Chat: With the NHL expansion in the late 1960s and the emergence of skilled players like Wayne Gretzky, enforcers became more common. Their role was to try to knock those skilled guys on the other team off of their game. The enforcers were poor at nearly everything else because their main role was to hunt down the good guy and get ‘em and they spent their ice time doing just that.
Titus 2:12
Set:Hockey Chat: Chasing the puck is easy to do but a bad play to make. Imagine if you had all 5 skaters on your team chasing after the puck and nobody keeping to their positions. It would be a big mess. We all want to grab the puck and make the play, but we need to remain controlled and play our position to make the winning play for the team.
1 Thessalonians 4:3-5
Set:Hockey Chat: There is a main component of hockey skates that is ultimately most important but always over looked. The laces. Without them you have a wobbly unresponsive skate. But when tightened you have a controlled skate that is inline and reacts to you. Skates only work if under control.
Romans 8:6
Set:Hockey Chat: A goalie’s skill is part physical and part mental. The better physical shape they are, the better they can make quick moves to cover the net. But the most important thing to do is to keep focused. They keep in control and keep their mind clear of all the commotion going on all around them. If they give into it, they’ll be off their game and out of place.
Proverbs 29:11
Set:Hockey Chat: Many penalties in a hockey game aren’t just blatant attacks from the opponent for no reason. Often there was a little something more to the story. There was some bad blood built up along the way. That’s why most fights happen later in the game. The emotions are boiling over and they give in. In many penalties, the one who loses control is the one who makes is anger apparent and gets called for it.
Proverbs 25:28
Set:Hockey Chat: Have you ever seen a guy who looked like the puck glued was to his stick. It may have looked like it from his puck handling. Those guys frustrate every defenseman. They have such control of the puck that it’s nearly impossible to take away. A poor puck handler will leave the puck behind every time.
Deuteronomy 20:2
Set:Hockey Chat: Some of the greatest games began with a good ol’ locker room pep talk. It was a talk by the coach or team captain. It was the motivation to start the team off on the strong foot and carry them through the game. Sure the team could’ve went out there and played the game without the words of wisdom, but the outcome may not have been the same.
Acts 20:24
Set:Hockey Chat: For those of you that play or have played on league teams you know the feeling of working and hustling through the whole game but just can’t get one past the goalie. Meanwhile the other team got a couple biscuits in the basket and all your hard work still came up a loss.
1 Corinthians 9:24
Set:Hockey Chat: You take the time to lace up the skates just right. You got the good stick with the perfect curve. You have the essential pads and you’re set to go. You spring off the bench and over the boards and then just coast around. Is it too much work to skate hard? Well then what’s the point of coming to the game if you didn’t come to play to win? Is someone else suppose to pick up the puck and score the goals? You need to play to win.
Galatians 5:13
Set:Hockey Chat: When a player is called up to the big leagues of the NHL he has got the chance to make a name for himself and an impact on the hockey world. He knows it’s his big break. Years of training had lead up to this and now he’s been called upon to be the best player he can be. But if he uses that chance to be a puck-hog or run up the penalty minutes, he has not used his big opportunity wisely and he’ll be a big let down to the ones who believed in him.
2 Timothy 4:7
Set:Hockey Chat: There are some games that I go away from the ice not knowing the score but confident that I tried with all my heart, stayed in it through all the bumps, and skated hard until it was over. To me I felt like I had won. I did everything I could and did my best. You know those games. You go away a winner, not caring about the final score.
Luke 6:38
Set:Hockey Chat: There are the guys on the team that wear the “C” on their sweater representing that they are the Captain. They’ve given their best at putting forth the qualities of a leader. The management of the team sees those actions and gives this prestigious reward to the top man who has earned it. It’s an honor given to them because of what they gave to the team.
Titus 2:11-12
Set:Hockey Chat: The game of hockey is captivating. It’s easy to get in the zone and get caught up with the game. Sometimes we get so enthralled we forget we have other players to pass to or we are running so high that when someone gives us a bump we take it as a personal attack. To win the game you have to play the game. When the focus moves from the game to you, both will lose. Professional players that try to be the lone-ranger hot-dogs are not needed on any team. Pro players that take dumb penalties are sent somewhere else where they can’t hurt the team by sending the rest of the guys out there short handed so often.
1 Kings 20:22
Set:Hockey Chat: The Sabers and Fylers had been battling in a 2-2 tie in overtime. RJ Umberger (Philly) had been taking some hits from heavy man Brian Campbell (Buffalo). RJ had shrugged off getting roughed up before and didn’t think much as he grabbed the puck headed up ice with 8 minutes left. But just as he got to the blue line, with thoughts of skating up ice and scoring on his mind, Campbell met him hard in what RJ thought was open ice, and laid him out. Always, always keep your head up when skating up. You can watch the video here.
John 15:18
Set:Hockey Chat: When a hockey player pulls that jersey over his head, he takes on a different identity. He may be a great guy and friend to all, but to the opponent he is now the enemy and they have to stop him. He can’t be in the game, play on his team, and be loved by the other team. He has an identity with the team he is on and that stirs adversity with the opposition.
Job 36:8
Set:Hockey Chat: I watched a Chicago Wolves game on a Friday night, and saw a team in disarray. They did not play like the first place team they were. Instead they were walked on through the entire game, giving a whopping 50 shots to Peoria and 7 of those went in. After the game, their goalie who was one of the team leaders, Fred Brathwaite, gave the guys an earful on what went wrong. He told them what they needed to hear. The very next night they turned the tables and put up 47 shots and got 8 goals against Rockford. Back to the kind of hockey those guys were known for.
Ecclesiastes 2:24
Set:Hockey Chat: We’ve all had the dreams of playing in the big leagues at sometime in our lives. For most of us, we’ve taken a different road in life but we are still grateful to be skating. So what if we never made it. We still love the game and enjoy playing it.
Proverbs 13:3
Set:Hockey Chat: On November 2 of 2002, Tie Domi took a penalty and then let his emotions take his whole team out of the game. His mouthing off and cursing at referee Brad Watson landed Domi a gross misconduct penalty and an accompanying fine of $200. The Maple Leafs were scored on during the penalty and stayed back on their heels to lose the game 5-2. His words cost him and the team a loss.
Ephesians 6:17 continued
Set:Hockey Chat: Wood, aluminum, carbon composite, fiberglass. Hockey sticks are made up of all kinds of different materials. It takes time and practice, but once you find YOUR stick, you know it and use it with confidence. You puck handle and shoot the best you can with your stick. Have you ever broke a stick and had to grab a different one quickly. Right off the bat you know it’s not going to work well. Your not use to it. It’s not yours.
Ephesians 6:17
Set:Hockey Chat: Brain Buckets. The 79-80 season was when the NHL made new comers wear the head gear. Prior to that it wasn’t thought of to be a need. But ask anyone whose taken a wack without it how much it is needed. It’s one of those things that we don’t really use in the game (head-butting a puck into the goal is not very effective). But when a stick comes up to high, or our skate slips out from under us, those hockey helmets are what saves us from a potentially deadly injury.
Ephesians 6:15
Set:Hockey Chat: Oh the skates! A premium fitted boot with a sharp blade can have you moving across the ice with fancy footwork. Try a loose boot with a dull blade. You’re better off playing barefoot. Having a fitted skate gives you peace of mind knowing that you can get where you want to go confidently. If you tell your feet to move, you’ll dig in the ice and make the play.
Ephesians 6:14 Continued
Set:Hockey Chat: The chest protectors that goalies wear are nothing short of phenomenal. They allow for 100+ miles per hour vulcanized rubber biscuits to bounce off them with no pain to the goaltender. That keeps him confidently in the game.
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