Many of us struggle with the constant pressure to be perfect within athletics. We get caught up seeking unreliable affirmation through our performance, so when things don't go our way many times we feel discouraged.
Tryouts are a great example. We work day in and day out to prove we ARE worthy of a spot. Summers we run sprints in the heat, nights we lift in the weight room and it feels like every second is spent honing our skills.
All that work leads to the moment tryouts finish and we run to the gym door to see if our name is one of the few listed on the final roster. Usually making the cut is a long process that requires hard work, focus and countless hours of training. To win a spot on the roster YOU have to earn it.
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All Archive - October 2013
Making The Cut
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The Armor of God
Set:In ancient times, a soldier was only as good as the equipment he had. His only source of protection was his armor and his sword. In ancient warfare, there wasn’t the option to carry out attacks from miles away like we can today. It was always up-close, in a large crowd with hand-to-hand combat, and you needed armor that could protect you from every side.
Authority and Power
Set:What is the key to attaining a position of power and influence? How do leaders and other people of prestige and authority reach their positions? It is shown throughout the Bible that God puts people in places of prominence and power after they have taken a lower position to serve Him and others.
Peter calls us to maintain an attitude of humility, both before God and among our teammates. There seems to be no room for self-promotion or arrogance in God’s kingdom.
The promise that Peter offers in 1 Peter 5:6 is that as we maintain a spirit of humility, God Himself will lift us to prominence at just the right time. I’m sure God is smarter than I am, or any of us, for that matter. Let’s trust Him and His timing for our coming into positions of prominence.
Battling for Your Faith
Set:During a 2004 game against the Cubs, Alex Cora of the Dodgers fouled fourteen straight pitches before hitting a home run. That took determination, concentration, and an unwillingness to give up. Cora battled through tough pitch after pitch until he got one he could handle. Life is full of situations where it is easier to give up than battle until we get a pitch we can handle. How many marriages have been abandoned because one spouse wanted an easier life? How many athletes have been overlooked while new athletes were given time and attention? All too often, Christians have grown weary and given into sin, thinking, This temptation is too hard; I’ll get right with God later.
Set:Ask a coach to list the qualities of a complete player and discipline is always in the list. A disciplined player has a work ethic that sets him or her apart. He or she makes a strong player, but not always a strong person. It’s amazing how many NFL players leave the league bankrupt, divorced, or addicted to alcohol or other drugs. While many NFL players show extreme discipline athletically, some show little discipline in their moral decisions and relationships. The quality they lack is self-control.
The Approval Syndrome
Set:Sports today have almost consumed our society. Who can even imagine a world before Sports Center? It seems everyone lives their lives through other athletes and coaches—their successes and their failures.
In this highly competitive world, the approval of fans and media can be very appealing, just as their disapproval can be very discouraging. As a Division I basketball coach, my teams and I are often the subject of lavish praise or severe criticism. I constantly struggle with the “approval syndrome”—the need for the approval of others. If I strive for man’s approval, I become elated with success and despondent with failure.
Blessed Are the Meek
Set:A successful gymnast has rhythm, confidence, and a strong body—but most vitally, power and control. With power, a gymnast can whip her body around a bar to gain momentum for a dismount. She can vault herself high enough over an apparatus to flip and twist her body in the air. She can leap off the ground and complete numerous harrowing tumbling passes during a floor routine. Power is important to these young athletes.
The Path of Freedom
Set:Los Angeles Angels All-Star Josh Hamilton’s career was initially derailed by the abuse of and addiction to drugs and alcohol. After several stints in rehab, he was still unable to escape those vices under his own power.
Josh admits that at the time, he didn’t realize how he was hurting those closest to him as his life revolved around satisfying his cravings for more. Once he hit bottom at his grandmother’s home in 2005, his heart was opened to God’s love and how much he needed Christ’s help to overcome his addictions and heal the brokenness in his life.
The Leadership Secret
Set:3 Reasons Why Competitors Need To Be Inadequate
In an age that is obsessed with leadership, it is hard to find someone willing to talk about leadership in an authentic, transparent way – especially in the world of sports. When is the last time you heard a coach or athlete say any of the following statements?
I don’t know.
I think I am going to need some help.
I have some weaknesses.
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