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Bible Study Archive - June 2009

  • One Mission - Got it!

    June 01, 2009


    Got it!

    The focus of this day is to understand that those who GOT IT have a heart that is impacted by Jesus, which in turn impact every area of their life.


    Your athletic career is over; you are at your Hall of Fame induction ceremony. The emcee for the evening is going to introduce you and all of your life’s achievements. Provide for them what you would want them to say in your introduction – both things that you have accomplished and things you would like to accomplish. Don’t limit to just athletic achievements. What would you want them to say about your character? Your lifestyle?

    With a partner share the key accomplishments that the emcee will highlight.

  • One Mission - Give it!

    June 01, 2009


    Give it!

    The focus of this day is to understand that once you GOT IT, you must GIVE IT in order to experience your true Mission.


    Design a practice jersey that would illustrate your Mission in life. Make sure to include your Mission’s “battle cry” (i.e. “All for One!,”
    “It’s gonna take all of me, “Watch Out – I Got It!”)

    With a partner share what your practice jersey looks like and your Mission’s “battle cry.”

  • One Mission - The Mission

    June 01, 2009


    One Mission

    Meeting Focus

    To get to know your Huddle members and break the ice for discussion.

    More Getting to Know You (10 Minutes)
    Choose another Conversation Starter from page 20.

    The Roster (5 Minutes)
    If all Huddle members have not filled out the roster, make sure that it is completed at this meeting. (Make sure that this is returned to the Huddle Leader Coordinator after the Huddle meeting. This will allow them to check who is missing and if there is anyone who has checked in but is not with his/her Huddle.)

    Reflect on the Day and the Evening Program (10 Minutes)

  • Transformed

    June 01, 2009

    • Josh was amazed by how many people come up and encourage him about what he has gone through. Why do you think this is surprising to him?
    • For as many positive comments he also received as many negative ones, too. Why would people bash Hamilton for how God has transformed his life?
    • Josh only gives credit to God for his life-changing transformation. Is there an area in your life that needs to be transformed? If so, what area?
    • Read Romans 12:1-2. What does it mean to present your body as a living sacrifice?
    • How can you not be conformed to this world today?

  • OW2P Study - Training Factor (Part 11)

    June 01, 2009

    OW2P Study - Training Factor (Part 11)

    Being a champion is not easy. If it were easy, we’d all be champions. True champions do not just “rise to the occasion.” In actuality, their hard work meets the opportunity to succeed. When the competitor pays the price of practice, preparation and persistence, a champion is made. Here we discover the disciplines that define the champion, not just success in the contest but significance in a life of victory.

    Key Scriptures
    I Timothy 4:7-8; Acts 17:10; 2 Corinthians 2:11; Joshua 1:6-8; Psalms 119:9-11

    Warm Up

  • The Test

    June 01, 2009


    Key Verse:

    Truthful lips endure forever, but a lying tongue, only a moment. Deceit is in the hearts of those who plot evil, but those who promote peace have joy.
    Proverbs 12:19-20

  • The Weight of the Cross

    June 01, 2009


    Key Verse:

    He will see [it] out of His anguish, and He will be satisfied with His knowledge. My righteous servant will justify many, and He will carry their iniquities.  
    Isaiah 53:11

  • More Than a Sport

    June 01, 2009

    • Coach Coale talks about being a part of her program as more than just being a player in it. What was she referring to with that point?
    • How can sport teach you more about life and the skills necessary to make it in the world today?
    • Why does she feel responsible for passing on these life skills to her players?
    • Read 1 Timothy 4:6-8. Athletic training is important to an athlete. Why is spiritual training more important?
    • What do you think godliness means? How is godliness beneficial in every area of your life?
    • Coach Coale believes it is important not only to prepare her players for what is next, but wants them to apply it themselves.

  • Do Your Best Where God Has You

    June 01, 2009

    • Coach Coale joked about not being able to cook. However, she said to do the best in every area of your life. What areas of your life are you doing the best in right now?
    • What benefits do we receive athletically when we strive to be the best we can be in every situation?
    • Have you ever slacked on a play or not given your best in a game or practice? What was the outcome of that situation?
    • Read Colossians 3:23-24. Why do you think Paul said, “Whatever you do, do it enthusiastically”?
    • Why does our focus change when we strive to do something for the Lord, not for others?
    • Serving the Lord in this way brings greater clarity to life.

  • Changed Lives Change Lives

    June 01, 2009

    Changed Lives Change Lives
    • Tomlinson is thankful. Why was he so thankful in his life?
    • What does it mean to be an example as an athlete?
    • He spoke of looking up to athletes before him. How are some of the athletes you have looked up too in your life?
    • Read Philippians 3:16-18. Why is it important to be an example for Christ?
    • LT is passionate about changing lives because his life has been changed. Paul shared the same feelings.

  • Priorities and Gifts

    June 01, 2009

    • LT talk about priorities. List your top 5 priorities right now. Read them out loud. After hearing them are there any that seem out of place?
    • He shared that we all have gifts. What are some of the gifts God has given you?
    • How are you using those gifts? Are any of those gifts being used for your glory rather than God’s?
    • Read Romans 12:5-7. Do you know what your spiritual gifts are? Take a spiritual gifts test.

  • Addicted

    June 01, 2009

    • Josh talked about addictions. He came out of a life of addictions. How did he define being addicted?
    • Where were the areas he listed that people are addicted today? Which of these areas are struggles for you?
    • Have you overcome an addiction in your life? Through Christ, what have you had victory over?
    • Read 1 Corinthians 15:10. How would you define grace?
    • Without God’s grace, Hamilton would not be the man he is today. How has God’s grace covered you?
    • Josh mentioned mercy as well. What is the difference between grace and mercy, spiritually?
    • Do you know someone who has an addiction? Reach out to them and pray for them.

  • Mistakes Made

    June 01, 2009

    • Brian confessed to doing steroids earlier in his career. He admitted his mistakes. How hard is it for you to admit when you are wrong or have done something wrong? Do you need to confess a mistake or sin in your life? What is it?
    • He talked about spiritual mentors. Who are the spiritual mentors in your life? How are they pouring into your daily life?
    • What spiritual battles are you trying to face alone?
    • Read Proverbs 27:17 and Eccl. 4:12. Why is it so important to have mature spiritual relationships?
    • Who has God put in you life at the right time to encourage you after you made a mistake? What did that mean to you?
    • How are you handling your mistakes in life?

  • Challenging The Ordinary

    June 01, 2009


    Key Verse:

    "Then He said to [them] all, "If anyone wants to come with Me, he must deny himself, take up his cross daily, and follow Me. For whoever wants to save his life will lose it, but whoever loses his life because of Me will save it. What is a man benefited if he gains the whole world, yet loses or forfeits himself?" Luke 9:23-25


  • Living the Dream

    June 01, 2009

    • As a young athlete Brian said his career and life were out of control. How easy is it to get out of control in your life? What leads you to living that way?
    • Living the dream as a professional athlete, he made baseball his god. What is god in your life right now? How did it get that way?
    • How do we get so wrapped up in living for ourselves and not for God?
    • Read Isaiah 44:6. How do you need to put this verse into practice in your life?
    • Brian confessed to making poor decisions. When you find yourself in that place, how do you get yourself out of it? Where does God fit into that equation?
    • What areas of your life are you putting before you relationship with God?

  • How To Avoid Misusing The Bible

    June 01, 2009


    Key Verse:

    All Scripture is inspired by God and is profitable for teaching, for rebuking, for correcting, for training in righteousness, so that the man of God may be complete, equipped for every good work. 2 Timothy 3:16-17

  • Pray Constantly

    June 01, 2009

    Pray Constantly
    • Brian prays in the batter’s box. When do you find yourself praying as an athlete?
    • In his prayers he wants to glorify God through whatever happens. Do you pray during competition? If so, are you praying for you to be glorified by doing something great, or are you praying for God to receive the glory in what happens? There is a HUGE difference…what is the difference to you?
    • How has God called you to pray as an athlete?
    • Read 1 Corinthians 10:31.

  • I Am

    June 01, 2009


    Key Verse:

    So God created man in His own image; He created him in the image of God; He created them male and female. 
    Genesis 1:27

  • Run to God

    June 01, 2009

    • What is your initial response to sin in your life? Does your heart become hard or do you drop to your knees in prayer?
    • Why do so many people run from God?
    • When is a time you ran from God? 
    • Read James 4:7-9. List all the commands in the following verses? What will happen when we obey these commands?
    • Brian talked about the daily battle it is to live a life over sin. Where do you battle the most each day? What is your current struggle?
    • What does it mean to “submit to God”? Where do you need to draw near to God in your life?
    • Pray and draw near to Him right now. Get in a position where you are at that you can totally focus on just you and God.

  • Iodine

    June 01, 2009


    Key Verse:

    If we say, "We have no sin," we are deceiving ourselves, and the truth is not in us. If we confess our sins, He is faithful and righteous to forgive us our sins and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness.  
    1 John 1:8-9

  • Louie Giglio : What Is God Purpose For My Life?

    June 01, 2009


    Key Verse:

    …for You gave Him authority over all flesh; so He may give eternal life to all You have given Him. This is eternal life: that they may know You, the only true God, and the One You have sent —Jesus Christ. I have glorified You on the earth by completing the work You gave Me to do.
    John 17:2-4

  • Making a Difference

    June 01, 2009


    Key Verse:

    Therefore, God's chosen ones, holy and loved, put on heartfelt compassion, kindness, humility, gentleness, and patience, accepting one another and forgiving one another if anyone has a complaint against another. Just as the Lord has forgiven you, so also you must [forgive]. Above all, [put on] love—the perfect bond of unity.  
    Colossians 3:12-14

  • The Real You

    June 01, 2009


    Key Verse:

    Whoever lives with integrity fears the LORD, but the one who is devious in his ways despises Him.
    Proverbs 14:2

  • OW2P Study - Strong to the Finish (Part 12)

    June 01, 2009


    Most memorable classic victories involve a last-second heroic goal, a fourth-quarter interception at the goal line or a game seven, three-point jumper at the buzzer. Is this type of victory exciting? Yes. But certain? Probably not. Those kinds of victories rely on variables of chance in order to record the win. In our Christian experience, Jesus our Champion has already defeated our foe.

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