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Devotional Archive - February 2010

  • Keep your head up!

    February 05, 2010


    Hockey Chat:  The Sabers and Fylers had been battling in a 2-2 tie in overtime. RJ Umberger (Philly) had been taking some hits from heavy man Brian Campbell (Buffalo).  RJ had shrugged off getting roughed up before and didn’t think much as he grabbed the puck headed up ice with 8 minutes left.  But just as he got to the blue line, with thoughts of skating up ice and scoring on his mind, Campbell met him hard in what RJ thought was open ice, and laid him out.  Always, always keep your head up when skating up.  You can watch the video here HEADS UP.

  • White Lies

    February 04, 2010


    Hockey Chat:  I’ve seen hockey players try to argue there way out of penalties saying that it was just a little hook or they just slashed at the puck not the opponent.  They try to minimize the offense.  Fact is, when they are called for penalty, it’s a penalty.  If they say they just barely hit the guy with their stick, they still are called for slashing.  If plead that they just nudged the guy head first into the boards, they still get called for boarding just as if they slammed him.  When the ref sees a penalty, regardless of the degree, he calls it.


  • Drew Brees Study Series – Part 3

    February 04, 2010


    This weekend, New Orleans Saints quarterback Drew Brees will lead his team onto the field to take on the Indianapolis Colts in Super Bowl XLIV. In a recent interview with FCA’s Sharing the Victory magazine, Brees talked about faith lessons from the field.


    Today, the daily Impact Play will feature part three of Sharing the Victory’s four-part video study series based on the interview. Click the video link below to watch the clip and then answer the questions. Finish by reading the related Scripture and asking God to work in your heart as a result of what you’ve learned.

  • Cheerleaders or Critics

    February 04, 2010


    A few years ago I was privileged to participate in the memorial service for a faithful servant, a dear friend and a former head football coach. More than two thousand of this man’s family, friends, colleagues, and student athletes attended the service. As I stepped into the pulpit of the church, I thought, Look at all these people. The grandstands are packed for him today. Everyone here is a cheerleader! What a great send-off for a coach, and a great testimony to a life well lived.

  • Drew Brees Study Series - Part 2

    February 03, 2010


    This weekend, New Orleans Saints quarterback Drew Brees will lead his team onto the field to take on the Indianapolis Colts in Super Bowl XLIV. In a recent interview with FCA’s Sharing the Victory magazine, Brees talked about faith lessons from the field.

    Today, the Daily Impact Play will feature part two of Sharing the Victory’s four-part video study series based on the interview. Click the video link below to watch the clip and then answer the questions. Finish by reading the related Scripture and asking God to work in your heart as a result of what you’ve learned.

    Watch the video

  • Thanks A Lot

    February 03, 2010


    Hockey Chat: Not every thing always goes as planned.  An off the mark pass.  Missed shot.  Whatever it may be, getting ticked off and giving up isn’t going to make it any better.  Take it that the play is still good and don’t give up on it.  Whatever didn’t happen then will turn into another opportunity and that’s something to be thankful for even if it wasn’t the original play. 

  • Celebration

    February 02, 2010


    The Israelites had not had a reason to celebrate for a very long time; they had lived in slavery to other nations for about one hundred fifty years. In fact, Nehemiah’s brother called his people, the Israelites, a disgrace (Neh 1) But now, God had done a new work in their midst, and the people of Israel were thankful and filled with joy. Nehemiah 12 describes a national celebration in which they dedicated the rebuilt wall and celebrated the victory of God. To make sure they celebrated with gusto, Nehemiah brought the best musicians and singers to lead them in worship with “thanksgiving and singing accompanied by cymbals, harps, and lyres” They celebrated joyfully, because “God had given them great joy” (Neh 12:27, 43).

  • Live by the Sword

    February 02, 2010


    Hockey Chat:  Wood, aluminum, carbon composite, fiberglass.  Hockey sticks are made up of all kinds of different materials.  It takes time and practice, but once you find YOUR stick, you know it and use it with confidence. You puck handle and shoot the best you can with your stick.  Have you ever broke a stick and had to grab a different one quickly.  Right off the bat you know it’s not going to work well.  Your not use to it.  It’s not yours.  You have to play with it before you get comfortable using it regularly.

  • Drew Brees Study Series – Part 1

    February 02, 2010


    This weekend, New Orleans Saints quarterback Drew Brees will lead his team onto the field to take on the Indianapolis Colts in Super Bowl XLIV. In a recent interview with FCA’s Sharing the Victory magazine, Brees talked about faith lessons from the field.

    Starting today, the daily Impact Play will run Sharing the Victory’s four-part video study series featuring clips from Brees. Click the video link below to watch the clip and then answer the questions. Finish by reading the related Scripture and asking God to work in your heart as a result of what you’ve learned.

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