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Devotional Archive - January 2014

  • Law

    January 07, 2014


    It seems the psalmist’s heart, informed by God’s truth, was the source of his wise speech and security in life. Many coaches rest their security in their players’ abilities, which serves them  well until injuries occur. Other coaches find security in knowledge of their sport or the experience of their coaching staff. Others appear fully confident, but are then found to be inferior in competition. In each case, their confidence easily turns to anxiety because of the nature of their source.

    Our heart can be a limitless source of peace and confidence if we maintain our relationship with Christ through careful study of the Bible. Reading the Scriptures regularly deposits the law of God in our hearts and will keep our steps from slipping.

  • Are You the Example or the Exception?

    January 06, 2014


    In today’s society, students and student athletes need role models more than ever, and as Christian coaches we are called to fulfill that position. We need men and women to embrace the fact that God has placed us in such a valuable role
    in a child’s life.

  • Respect

    January 05, 2014


    How can we show proper respect for our teammates, coaches, opponents, and even the officials? Why should we even care about that? Peter understood the value of showing proper honor and respect to people and he wrote about it in this Scripture. Take a moment to read it again, this time out loud.

  • Strength from Above

    January 04, 2014

    It was the same ritual before every basketball game: listen to the same song, read my “basketball prayer,” put on my lucky socks, and use my lucky hair tie. If I missed one of these pre-game activities, there was no way I would have a good game. I now find it amusing that my confidence as a high school athlete was so tied to these silly rituals. I thought my athletic strength depended on “good-luck” charms.

  • Handling Criticism

    January 03, 2014


    David experienced some very low times in his life. During one of these times, Absalom, his son, had taken over the capitol city, and David had to run to the hills for his life. During his hasty retreat, David encountered a man named Shimei, who was walking on a hillside. From where he stood, Shimei began to curse David and throw stones and dirt at him. David was flanked on the right and left by loyal members of his administration, and they were getting hit with stones as well.

  • Unconditional Respect

    January 02, 2014


    During a losing season or bad game, it’s easy to give up on each other. When a teammate breaks team rules, the question arises: Can we count on this player whose conduct or performance is below our team’s standards? When we blow it, will our teammates give up on us?

    Peter made a lot of mistakes. He made claims he could not back up; did things without thinking of the consequences; talked when he should have listened; and lied, cried, and almost died because of his immaturity. But Jesus never gave up on him, and he became a world-changer.

  • Extra Hours

    January 01, 2014


    It was 2:20 p.m. I was late for practice. I ran into the locker room, grabbed my equipment, and headed to the training room to be taped. It was a great tape job, taking under four minutes. I ran to the field and greeted my assistant coach, “Sorry, I’m late.” He chuckled, “Well, we better get moving it’s 2:35 p.m. and the rest of the team will be here in about an hour. There is much work to be done.”

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