- We believe the mission of reaching out to every person with the Gospel and making disciples everywhere is a direct response to the heart of our Lord Jesus Christ, and brings great glory to God.
- We believe that student-athletes, as implied in the Scriptures, are loved and cared for by our Lord. They are worth our deepest love, our best sacrifice, and in light of the Great Commission and their open hearts, we, the Body of Christ, are compelled to focus on making every effort to reach them with the Gospel.
- We believe the college, high school and middle school campus is strategic. Campus ministry answers the question, “How will FCA effectively impact the Campus in such a way that Christ is lifted up among the millions of students in our nation?”
- We believe campus ministry provides an unprecedented opportunity to build Christian student-athletes in their faith and equip them as followers of Christ.
- We believe the campus gives FCA the platform to minister to the greater community.
- We believe it is FCA’s objective to equip, enable, empower and encourage student-athletes to impact and influence their Campus for Christ.
- We believe FCA is called to glorify God through our unity, committed to a common cause, lifting up one another, sacrificing for the greater good of the Kingdom.