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Breakthrough - Chapel

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By FCA Resources

October 27, 2007

Chapel – Breakthrough

1 – Games with this opponent have been ones where our team has made breakthroughs over the last few years. What will it be today?
• Breakthrough victory story 1 – Commitment to teammates
• Breakthrough victory story 2 – Commitment to winning
• Breakthrough victory story 3 – Commitment to being champions
• What will it be this year? Our breakthrough will be determined by our commitments.

2 – Watch the commitment demonstrated in this story from
I Kings 19:19-21.
• The prophet Elijah recruits Elisha, a wealthy farmer.
• Elisha blows up and eats his tractors! (Oxen)
• Elisha will be a farmer no more.
• This is whole-hearted commitment.
• Elisha broke through when Elijah left him, becoming twice the prophet his mentor was.
• His whole-hearted commitment lead to his breakthrough and fueled his life’s work.

3 – What will it be today?
• How will this team break through?
• How wholeheartedly will you commit? Each one individually and the team as a whole?
• Our breakthrough will be determined by our commitments.
• A wholehearted commitment by each one to his team will lead to a breakthrough and will fuel the rest of our season.

This resource provided by Roger D. Lipe