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Competitor’s Creed Study 4: Attitude

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By FCA Resources

November 04, 2007

My attitude on and off the field is above reproach – my conduct beyond criticism.
Whether I am preparing, practicing or playing; I submit to God’s authority and those He has put over me.
I respect my coaches, officials, teammates and competitors out of respect for the Lord.

My attitude on and off the field is above reproach – my conduct beyond criticism.
Read Titus 2:6-8. What is God saying to you through this passage? How does this passage apply to athletics?

How can your attitude and conduct impact your team?

Are you pleased with the example you are setting for those on your team? Do you think God is pleased with your example? Why or why not?

Take a serious look at your life and ask yourself, “Is there anything I am doing that, if found out by others, could potentially destroy my life?” If so, read and follow James 5:16 and 1 John 1:9.

Whether I am preparing, practicing or playing; I submit to God’s authority and
those He has put over me.

What is the most difficult thing you have to do in preparation for competition?

In 2 Timothy 4:2, Paul writes “be prepared in season and out of season.”
How does this apply to you as a coach or athlete? How about as a Christian?

What would your sport be like if there were no rules?

How is God’s authority like the rules in your sport?

What does Job 34:12-15 say about God’s authority?

Read Romans 13:1-2,5. How does Paul instruct us to act toward those God has put over us? Why?

When is it acceptable not to submit to the authorities (Acts 5:27-29)?

I respect my coaches, officials, teammates and competitors out of respect for the Lord.
Which of these groups above do you have the hardest time showing respect to? Why?

The word respect is used twice in this line of the creed. Is there a difference in the meaning of these references? What?

Read 1 Peter 2:17. How can you show “proper respect” to (value) coaches, officials, teammates & competitors?

Live It Out
What is one way that God spoke to your heart through this lesson? How can you apply this in your life?

The “attitude adjustment” challenge – read Philippians 2:5-8 and memorize verse 5.