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Qualified to Coach

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By FCA Resources

October 02, 2007

Wisdom for a Young Head Coach
Week 2

I Timothy 1:8-14

Read the text aloud.

Discussion Questions:

  • What sorts of laws (rules and regulations) are good when used properly in coaching?  (v.8) Recruiting rules, training restrictions, drug rules, g.p.a. regulations…Why do they exist?  To protect those who could be easily abused.
  • What is the primary function or objective of the Law?  To expose error.
  • From verse 11, what is the standard by which we judge truth or error in our coaching (doctrine)?  The glorious gospel of the blessed God.
  • For what is Paul thankful? (v.12) That God considered him faithful… When were/are you most thankful for your opportunity to be a coach?  Solicit a story or situation.
  • What was there in Paul’s past that should have disqualified him for such service? (v.13) He was a blasphemer, persecutor and violently aggressive toward the Church.   How about for you?  What could have disqualified you from your service as a coach?  Foolish mistakes, errors in judgment, youthful indiscretions…
  • How have you experienced God’s mercy, grace, faith and love as a coach?  Stories of how God has shown them mercy in spite of their errors listed in previous question.

Weekly Summary:

  • Remember that rules are useful, primarily to expose error in the rebellious.
  • Be thankful for your opportunity to coach.
  • Thank God for his mercy and grace in your life.
  • Share God’s grace and mercy with others as an example to them.


  • The questions for discussion will appear in normal text like this.
  • Suggested answers, discussion hints and follow up questions will appear in italics like this.