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Bible Study

  • Rewards - Chapel

    May 15, 2007


    1 – Today we will discuss ironic nature of rewards in sport.

    • The rewards are the same for the freshman playing his first season as for the senior playing his last season.
    • The rewards for the first year coach are the same as for the twenty year veteran of coaching.
    • At the end of the game or the end of the season, the rewards are the same.

    2 – Jesus told a story about this in Matthew 20:1-16 (read the text aloud).

  • Personal Fouls - Chapel

    May 15, 2007

    9/8/07 South Carolina vs. Georgia – 2 flags in opening quarter = 30 yds.
    They seem to frequent the field in high school, college, professional sports.  They can come from many things – late hits, illegal blocks, and even words.  And when an official has seen enough he will usually throw the flag…
    But how about beyond the field to our lives, is it really important what we say?

    James 1:26 – If anyone thinks himself to be religious, and yet does not bridle his tongue but deceives his own heart, this man’s religion is useless..
    James 3:5/12 – The Tongue

  • Perseverance - Chapel

    May 15, 2007

    1 – Here we are at game number ___ of our season.
    • Let’s take a look back at our season so far.
    • We’ve competed at …(tough opponent)
    • We’ve endured a… (hard situation)
    • We’ve won a hard fought battle with ….

  • His Glory - "It's Not About Me!"

    April 12, 2006

    His Glory - "It's Not About Me!"

    Day 1
    As an athlete, I need to understand God’s definition of glory and why He deserves it all. Competition is not about me. Life is not about me. I must die to myself and fully understand the power, majesty, and authority of God.

  • His Goal - "It's About Serving!"

    April 11, 2006


    Day 2
    God’s goals for me as a competitor are to play to honor Him and to live to honor Him. I am to bring Him joy in all I do – on and off the field of competition. That is the challenge.

    What do you need to do in order to become the best athlete you can be? What specific goals would you need to set in order to achieve this? In order to play at your best, you need to set goals in areas of your life other than sports. List some goals in the following areas of your life: athletics, academics, and spirituality.


  • His Grip - "It's About Love!"

    April 10, 2006


    Day 3
    God loves me and desires to protect me. His grip on my life will guide, shape, and mold me.

    List three times when you felt you were placed on the bench or you faced adversity within your sport. (The situations do not need to be physical. Examples: The time you were yelled at by a coach or parent, or the time you questioned whether the Bible is the true word of God.)

    Sports Adversity



    1. Share with everyone in your group how these adverse situations made you feel.

  • His Ground - "It's About Power!"

    April 09, 2006


    Day 4
    When I step onto His field, there is power. Power comes through Jesus Christ. We can experience this power when we play and live on His ground. Everything I do should start on His ground.

    Identify and describe your favorite place to compete (field, court, pool, arena, track, etc.).


  • Fields of Faith 21.5 Days with God - Day .5

    October 22, 2005



    Begin by thanking God for the new day and then ask Him to help you learn from what you read. Prepare yourself by:

    • Clearing your mind and being quiet before the Lord
    • Asking God to settle your heart
    • Maybe listening to worship music
    • Asking God for a teachable heart


    Read the chapter below. You can either read below or read your physical Bible. Read it slowly, take it all in.


    Ask yourself the following questions after reading your chapter for the day. Write your answers down in a journal or notebook you can use just for your time with God.

  • Fields of Faith 21.5 Days with God - Day 1

    October 21, 2005



    Begin by thanking God for the new day and then ask Him to help you learn from what you read. Prepare yourself by:

    • Clearing your mind and being quiet before the Lord
    • Asking God to settle your heart
    • Maybe listening to worship music
    • Asking God for a teachable heart


    Read the chapter below. You can either read below or read your physical Bible. Read it slowly, take it all in.


    Ask yourself the following questions after reading your chapter for the day. Write your answers down in a journal or notebook you can use just for your time with God.

  • Fields of Faith 21.5 Days with God - Day 2

    October 20, 2005



    Begin by thanking God for the new day and then ask Him to help you learn from what you read. Prepare yourself by:

    • Clearing your mind and being quiet before the Lord
    • Asking God to settle your heart
    • Maybe listening to worship music
    • Asking God for a teachable heart


    Read the chapter below. You can either read below or read your physical Bible. Read it slowly, take it all in.


    Ask yourself the following questions after reading your chapter for the day. Write your answers down in a journal or notebook you can use just for your time with God.

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