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Bible Study

  • Keys to Success - Chapel

    October 24, 2007


    Success in Football
    • Name the two most important things in order to succeed in football as a player or team. (Impossible to answer, use as icebreaker with team….
    • What are do you as a team want to succeed in this year? I will use this time for captains to cover major goals –
    o (7 shutouts, no region losses, region champions, state playoffs etc.. Should be specific for your team..)
    • As team I remind them of the quote “if you don’t know where you are going you will likely end up somewhere else – (John Maxwell)

    Vince Lombardi – The only place success comes before hard work is in the dictionary

  • Finish Well - Chapel

    October 24, 2007


    Chapel – Finish Well

    1 – What does it take to finish well?
    • To finish well in today’s game…
    • To complete this season as champions?
    • To finish strongly so as to game a favorable situation in the playoffs?
    • To finish well will require a particular attitude.

    2 - This attitude is seen in the words of the Apostle Paul in Acts 20:24.
    (Read the text aloud emphasizing the first half.)
    • Background – Paul is leaving Ephesus (Turkey) and boarding a boat for Jerusalem.
    • He knows trouble and pain await him.
    • He goes anyway.

  • Discipline - Chapel

    October 24, 2007


    Chapel – Discipline

    1 – Today’s characteristic of Successful People and Successful Teams is
    • To achieve the success we all want, we will have to grow increasingly more disciplined.
    • To be well disciplined is to be self-controlled in all areas of one’s life.

  • Complete Players - Chapel

    October 24, 2007


    Chapel – Complete Players

    1 – To be a complete player one must have all parts of his or her person fully engaged in the sport and with your team.
    • The body – physical dimension - sport technique
    • The mind – mental dimension - sport strategy
    • The heart – spiritual dimension – sport passion

    2 – Jesus Christ was a complete person (read Luke 2:52).
    • Jesus developed in wisdom – mentally.
    • Jesus developed in stature – physically.
    • Jesus developed in favor with man – socially.
    • Jesus developed in favor with God – spiritually.

  • Attitudes - Chapel

    October 24, 2007


    Chapel – Attitudes

    1 – I’ve been very pleased with the attitudes of this team thus far.
    • Valuing the team over individualism
    • Making sacrifices rather than demands
    • Expressed on the field, between teammates, with coaches and even in the media

    2 – This reminds me of Philippians 2:3-4 (read the text aloud).
    • Do nothing from selfishness or empty conceit.
    o Don’t draw attention to yourself – deflect praise to others.
    o Don’t take offense to trash talk or cheap shots – respect your team and the sport.
    o Don’t overestimate your importance – there are other players ready to step into your spot.

  • Selfless - Chapel

    October 23, 2007


    1 – Introduction – today we’ll talk about being selfless.   That’s the direct opposite of being selfish or having a “Me First” attitude.  Selfless people seek the best for others, before themselves.

    2 – Read the text – Romans 12:3-5

  • Leadership - Chapel

    October 23, 2007


    1 – Today’s characteristic of Successful People and Successful Teams is Solid Leadership.

    • Think about the best leaders across your lifetime, in your family, in your home town, from your youth.
    • Think about the leaders among your team.
    • When are they at their best?
    • How do they change situations by simply being present?
    • How do their words breathe courage into the souls of their teammates and strike fear in the hearts of their opponents?
    • This is the stuff of Solid Leadership.

  • Selfish vs. Selfless - Chapel

    October 22, 2007


    1 – Why is selflessness so important to successful teams?

    • Which would be more successful -
    • 5 on 5?
    • 1 on 5?

    2 – Here’s another angle on this question from John 12:24-25 (read the text aloud).

  • Servant Leadership - Chapel

    October 21, 2007


    1 – Today’s competition will require a tremendous amount of leadership for us to be victorious.  It will require a unique type of leadership.

    2 – This kind of leadership is best described in Mark 10:42-45 (read the text aloud).

  • Prayer - Chapel

    October 15, 2007


    1 – Many people misunderstand our purpose in conducting a chapel for our team.

    • Some think that if we pray it will result in a win.
    • Some think that if we go to chapel we are more likely to win.
    • Some think that if we pray we get God on our side.
    • So what’s the point?
    • Does God even care about who wins today?

    2 – Joshua 5:13-15 sheds some light on such questions (read the text aloud).

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