“Therefore, my dear brothers, be steadfast, immovable, always excelling in the Lord's work, knowing that your labor in the Lord is not in vain.”
-1 Corinthians 15:58
I so enjoy going to Huddles to share about Christ. Recently, I visited Northwestern University and spoke to their group. As I was praying and waiting to speak, a football player came in and sat down. Now, I used to attend many practices, and I had seen this player in competition. And I’m sorry to say, but I had thought only an act of God would bring this young man to the Lord. He had been a player who used foul language, seemed angry all the time and was the first to rumble when the occasion was presented. So I was surprised to see him at FCA, but thankful.
Do you know people like this? So many times we discount them or do not believe God can change a heart like theirs for His glory. Well, remember Saul, the professional Christian killer? I am sure many of his day thought there was no way on this earth they would see Saul living his life for Jesus Christ. But God was at work in Saul’s heart, and He made His appearance very clear to him on the road to Damascus. Bright light, no light, old game, new name. Saul, now Paul, was soon the most sought-after person to share the love of Christ. And the same people who were his teammates in persecution became his adversaries in his pursuit of the Gospel of Christ.
As I finished speaking at the Huddle, this young man, Mark, came down and gave me a big hug and told me that he had come to Christ last spring. What a praise to the Lord! God was at work in Mark’s heart, and he finally committed his life to Christ. Like Paul, Mark’s transformation was not expected by many, but welcomed all the same.
Whether you think so or not, God is at work in the lives of people we would never think would come to Christ. I know I have sold too many people short in my life, and I hope to never do it again. I am sure Mark, like all believers will have his challenges along the way, but as he surrounds himself with others in the faith, his faith will continue to grow. Where is God at work around you? Be on the lookout, because there is no doubt that He is!
1. Who is someone you have discounted that you feel will not come to Christ?
2. What have you done to share your faith with this person/people?
3. Daily, how can you pray, invite, and tell these folks about who Christ is to you?
Romans 12:1-2
Galatians 2:20
Colossians 3:9-11