“God means what he says. What he says goes. His powerful Word is sharp as a surgeon's scalpel, cutting through everything, whether doubt or defense, laying us open to listen and obey. Nothing and no one is impervious to God's Word. We can't get away from it — no matter what.”
– Hebrews 4:12-13 (MSG)
Shane was a college lacrosse goalie who was playing on our men’s FCA Lacrosse team in Vail, Colorado. It was a ministry outreach that we had done for a couple of years to reach the lacrosse community for Christ, and the Vail Shootout Lacrosse Tournament was at the time the biggest and best tournament to mobilize our efforts. God did amazing things on the field, but what He did off the field was even more amazing. God got ahold of Shane, and I remember being with Him when he asked Jesus to be the Savoir and Lord of his life.
After the trip, I asked Shane if we could meet for breakfast for discipleship. It was a joy to see him grow over a several-month period. Then, one day, everything changed. Something happened. He showed up before I got there (which was a first), and he already had his coffee. Watch out! He was waiting for me with a big grin on his face. Before I could even sit down, Shane said loudly so I and other people in the restaurant could hear, “I figured it out! I figured it out!” After thinking about sliding under the table to get away from the strange stares from others, I decided to settle into the booth. Before my bottom could hit the seat, Shane was practically over the table with his Bible wide open. I kept thinking, “Did I miss something? What happened to Shane?!” Leaning over the coffee pot in the middle of the table, he got right in my face, and with one hand under his open Bible and the other hand literally slapping the pages of his open Bible, Shane said these exact words with his face one inch from the open Bible: “I figured it out. I realized this week that if I do not get my face in the Book, I am dead meat! I GOTTA GET MY FACE IN THE BOOK!” His words marked me that day.
I have heard all the nice little phrases about spending time with God — daily devotions, quiet time, JAM time (Jesus and Me), one-on-one with God, etc. Never had I heard it put the way Shane put it. Truth was spoken that morning. Shane realized that week that spending time with God was a non-negotiable if he wanted to live in Christ. To this day, Shane’s words ring in my heart every day. I realize that I have to, need to and want to get my face in the Bible. No options. Just one goal: I must get my face in the Book every day, or I am dead meat.
That goes for all of us! We must do whatever it takes to get our face in the Book. If we don’t, our lives will be impacted. If we do, our lives will be impacted. In the first scenario, the impact will be that you will be dead meat. In the second, you will have abundant life. I have never met a young person who was struggling with habitual sin in their life who was spending daily time in the Word of God. Every time they ask me about a sin issue in their life and want an answer, I ask how they are doing with getting their face in the Book. Every time, their head goes down and they say they are not. Never have I had the response, “Great! I am spending so much time in the Word every day! But I continue to have this sin issue in my life.”
Get your face in the Book daily and watch as God changes you. I saw it firsthand in Shane’s life. I have seen it happen in my life. And I have seen it happen in hundreds of athletes and coaches. Make 2009 a year of abundant living, not of dead meat!
1. What phrase do you use to describe your time with God?
2. How do you like Shane’s description of time with God?
3. Zephaniah 3:17 says, “The LORD your God is with you, he is mighty to save. He will take great delight in you, he will quiet you with his love, he will rejoice over you with singing." How does that verse encourage you to get your face in the book?
4. Why does victorious living and spending time in God’s Word go hand in hand?
Psalm 36:7-9
2 Timothy 2:3-7
2 Timothy 3:16
"Jesus, I want to get my face in Your Book every day. I don’t want to be dead meat. Instead, I want to be transformed and experience victorious living. In Jesus’ name I pray. Amen.”