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Are You FAT?

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By FCA Resources

May 28, 2009


All Scripture is inspired by God and is profitable for teaching, for rebuking, for correcting, for training in righteousness, so that the man of God may be complete, equipped for every good work.–2 Timothy 3:16-17


I was approached the other day and asked if I was fat. Well, as a former athlete and coach who has put on a few since his glory days, I was taken aback. “I may be fat, but you’re ugly,” I kidded him. He laughed and responded, “Not that kind of fat!” I was interested to see how he would get out of this one.

He told me that the “FAT” he was referring to stood for faithful, available, and teachable. He told me that we need FAT people in ministry. What a great thought! We certainly do need FAT people in every area of life. Athletes need to be FAT. Coaches need to be FAT. Pastors need to be FAT. The list goes on. We must each ask ourselves if we are FAT.

Are we faithful to our team, family, and Lord? Are we available to help, serve, or listen? Are we teachable in our sport, at school, and in our walk with Christ? Are we FAT? As for me, I looked in the mirror today, and while I am working on being less fat in stature, I hope to always be FAT in Christ. My advice: super-size it! Go large! Make it a biggie size! Be FAT for Christ! He needs us to be faithful, available, and teachable for His purpose and His glory.


1. Where do you struggle in being faithful, available, and teachable?
2. Have you put Jesus first in your life and become FAT in Him?
3. Where can you be more FAT in Christ?


Psalm 119:30; Proverbs 14:6; Ephesians 3:20


Lord, I know at times my attention is distracted away from You and I’m not as teachable as I should be. Please soften my heart and guide my actions so that I might become a more faithful, available, and teachable servant. Amen.