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End of Your Rope

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By Marcellus Casey

June 10, 2009


All flesh is like grass, and all its glory like a flower of the grass. The grass withers, and the flower drops off, but the word of the Lord endures forever.–1 Peter 1:24


Most of us, at some time, have found ourselves at “the end or our rope” or at the end of our own strength emotionally. Maybe we were so tired at practice that we were disrespectful to a coach, a trainer, or teammate. Most of us have been let down by someone whom we look up to because they were at the end of their rope emotionally. Maybe a friend lied, or our parents left, or our coach blew up and disrespected us.

People spend most of their lives searching for peace and stability. But how can that be maintained when the world is full of imperfect people? Teams that work well together can get selfish and begin to fight against each other. When we come to the end of ourselves, only the eternal remains. We know that our bodies will continually meet breaking points like injuries, sickness, old age, and death. Our hearts also have their breaking points like selfishness, bitterness, anger, and jealousy.

When our emotional stamina wilts like grass, I pray we will hide the Word of God in our hearts and love people
even while at “the end of our ropes.”


1. Have you hurt someone while at the “end of your rope”? Have you asked for their forgiveness?
2. Has someone hurt you while at the “end of their rope”? Can you forgive that person in your heart?


God help me to love people even when I am tired. I pray that my life will be a light to others. Father I pray that when Your Word is hidden in my heart it will come out of my heart even when I am tired. Amen.