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The Right Direction

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By Leo Sayles

February 19, 2010


“Your word is a lamp for my feet and a light on my path.”
-Psalm 119:105 


Olympic speed-skater Chad Hedrick was part of a two-medal finish in the 1,000-meter finals Wednesday night, winning a bronze medal. After winning gold in the 2006 Olympics, Hedrick is one of the most prominent figures in Olympic speed-skating today. Yesterday, Hedrick was featured on the radio broadcast of Haven Today with the key line of the intro, “Chad Hedrick is not the same Chad Hedrick of four years ago.”

During this interview, Hedrick discussed his recent conversion experience. He admitted that most people knew him as a guy who worked hard and played hard. In describing his commitment to Christ, he said, “Now I find myself…really living a godly life now. I feel like I’m going in the right direction.”

In Psalm 119 verses 105 and 133 (NIV) we read, “Your word is a lamp to my feet and a light for my path. … Direct my footsteps according to your word; let no sin rule over me.” The psalmist expressed his devotion to God and a high regard for Scripture by using the letters of the Hebrew alphabet to begin each stanza. His words “direct my footsteps” remind me of one of my team’s recent volleyball practices in which I had the opportunity to work with a young player. She was learning how to run a specific attack, and I was speaking with her parents about learning the proper footwork. Her mother joked, “Maybe you can put those images of steps on the floor so she knows exactly where to step, like they do in dancing!” We all laughed and continued our conversation, but I reflected on those words listening to Chad’s interview later.

Chad took a hard look at his life, and he made a decision to go in a different direction. He found Christ to be the answer to his life questions and decided to trust Jesus with his life. In that decision, Chad chose to follow Christ’s path.

As athletes, we submit to a coach because we believe he or she will guide us to success. We learn techniques, mechanics and plays to help us achieve that success. But when it comes to our lives, do we give Christ that same devotion and submit all that we are to Him? If so, then we echo the words of the psalmist when we trust God’s Word to direct our lives.

The Bible, God’s Word, is not just a book of do’s and don’t’s. It’s not just a history book. It is God’s love letter to us—His testament to us. Through the Bible and the power of the Holy Spirit, we are equipped and complete in every way (2 Timothy 3:16). More than that, through Scripture, God reveals His game-plan for the world and His plan for us!

What a great relief to know that our steps are ordered when we trust in Christ! Today, trust Him and take the next step. Trust His Word, stand on His promises. Let it light your paths. 


1. How much time do you devote to learning new techniques, mechanics or plays for your particular sport?
2. What does it mean to "buy in" to your coach's game-plan?
3. Do you have the same level of buy-in to God's plan for you? If not, what do you need to change?  


Psalm 119 

About the Author:

Leo Sayles is a long-term FCA volunteer, having served in several capacities over his coaching career. He currently serves as the Head Volleyball Coach at Gardern-Webb University