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Train Your Spirit

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By phillip.martin

June 18, 2010


1 Timothy 4:8 - For while bodily training is of some value, godliness is of value in every way, as it holds promise for the present life and also for the life to come.


Athletes spend hours each week training their bodies. Whether it is with a team, a community group or all by yourself, we all have to practice in order to achieve our athletic goals. Our commitment to training changes the pace of our daily lives. Consider this, how many times have you said “As soon as I’m done with my workout I’ll….” See what I mean? As a distance runner, some workouts have me out on the road for almost 2 hours. With stretching, cool down jogs and cross training, my day can easily become defined by my workout.

 As I was doing my morning devotional, I came across this passage from 1 Timothy. It made me think about how much time I spend running and how little time I spend worshiping God. All of my physical training is aimed at making me a better runner, but my devotional time is aimed at making me more like Christ. It’s no question which is more important, but if you looked at the amount of time I spend on both activities, the answer would not be so clear. I mean, how many times have you said “As soon as I’m done with my devotional I’ll…”?

As Christian athletes, we must toil and strive to be like Christ with an even greater intensity than we strive to better ourselves athletically. Our spiritual training must be as serious and consistent as our physical training. Ultimately, we have to remember that no matter how hard we train our bodies will not last and neither will the awards we win, but the training that we put into Holiness leads to a prize that lasts for eternity.

My challenge for you today is to rethink how you organize you time with the Lord. Make it as intentional and as purposeful as your workouts. Remember that while we all have athletic goals that push us to work harder, our greatest goal is the one set in the Kingdom of God.



What is the most important part of your day?

How do you schedule your devotional time?

What would you be willing to give up for more time with God?


1 Timothy 4: 8-10
Romans 12: 1 – 2
1 Corinthians 9: 26



Lord, help me to be as intentional and as meaningful in my spiritual training as I am my bodily training. Let me never forget the greatest goal in my life is to serve and worship you. Remind me that you are the most important aspect of my life and that all things come from you.