"But because my servant Caleb has a different spirit and follows me wholeheartedly, I will bring him into the land he went to, and his descendants will inherit it.” -Numbers 14:24
All things that are good, harmonious and peaceful are of God, because He is not a god of confusion but of harmony! God is patient, loving, caring, fair and just! If we are involved in those types of things, then we are walking in His Spirit. If we are living in confusion and disharmony, then we have a rebellious spirit and one that is not of God. Check yourself to find out which spirit you are following:
1. Whatever spirit you are controlled by determines your perception. Is the glass half full or half empty? Eternal optimism is of God and of the Spirit of God. Your outlook on life is the result of the spirit inside you. Your outlook determines your outcome.
2. People controlled by the Spirit of God are motivated by the promises of God and not by people. We all know about Noah and his ark, right? Noah could have thought God was crazy to tell him to build a 450' long, 75' wide, 45' high ark and then to stock it with two of every living thing, male and female (Genesis 6:14-16). What a request! How many of us would honor such a request? Noah was sparked by the promises of God and not the rumblings of his neighbors. Only God's promises will count in the end.
2. Do you want to reach your full potential?
3. How do you want your life defined?
2 Timothy 1:6-7