He humbled Himself by becoming obedient to the point of death—even to death on a cross. — Philippians 2:8
Humility and competition, especially today, seem to be a contradiction in terms. As human beings, we believe that if we demonstrate humility, we will be walked over, pushed aside, neglected, or even abused. So instinctively we reject humility, maybe not as an idea, but in our everyday actions toward others.
Although Christ’s purpose was not that of competition, we can certainly agree that Christ had a purpose and goal and was successful in achieving it. In this vein, let’s consider our own goals as coaches. Where does humility play a part? Paul, speaking to the church at Philippi, reminded us that Christ recognized His humanity and this resulted in a humility that inspired obedience.
At times, the world of coaching paints a picture that the most successful coaches are the most arrogant, selfinflated individuals on earth. The Bible paints a different picture of a successful coach. Like Christ, we are called to show our humanity to our players and staff. When they see that we understand and are like them as human beings, it infuses a desire in them to follow our leadership and empowers us as coaches to accomplish our goals for our players.
1. How am I integrating humility into my coaching philosophy?
2. Humility makes for good fathers, mothers, husbands, and wives. How can I help my players become humble people?
3. How has the image of the arrogant coach influenced me, and what can Christ’s ministry teach me about humility and leadership?
Extra Reading: Proverbs 22:4; Ephesians 4:2; Hebrews 4:15; 1 Peter 5:5
Father, help me resist the temptation to become proud and arrogant and instead to be a coach who is an example of humility. Help me from this moment forward to show my players and colleagues an attitude of humility. It is by Your grace that I can do this. Amen.