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Taking One for the Team

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By Nicole Cox

July 29, 2010


Carrying His own cross, He went out to what is called Skull Place, which in Hebrew is called Golgotha. There they crucified Him and two others with Him, one on either side, with Jesus in the middle.”
-John 19:17-18


I play softball for my high school, and I love it. The game, the fans, my fellow athletes—everything about the whole experience. I love it all! Every now and then in a game I am faced with a situation in which I need to take one for the team. Whether that is allowing myself to be hit by an inside pitch to get to first base, or trying to hit a grand slam to get more runs, or sitting on the bench so that another player can play. There are many chances for me to do whatever I need to in order to help the team.

There are many chances for all of us to “take one for the team” in life, as well. We can love and serve others sacrificially every day. And as I was thinking about this concept, I realized that Jesus set the ultimate example. If anyone took one for the team, He did. Jesus allowed Himself to be crucified for the payment of our sins. He hung on that cross not because He had to, but because He wanted to take one for God’s “team.” And because of His sacrifice, we are allowed to enter the Kingdom of Heaven if we accept His payment and surrender to Him as Lord.

But not only does His death serve as the means of our salvation, it also serves as the ultimate example of how we should live. Think about this: When was the last time you took one for God’s team? If we truly have given our lives to the Lord, we will follow His example and lay down our lives for others daily, just as He laid down His life for us.


1. When was the last time you took one for God’s team?
2. I challenge you to do that today! Lay down your agenda for the good of someone else, and then share your experience with others.


John 15:12-13
1 John 3:11-24