"For as the body is one and has many parts, and all the parts of that body, though many, are one body—so also is Christ." — 1 Corinthians 12:12
As coaches, we are supposed to teach our players about the game and about life lessons. Sometimes, the reverse happens and our players teach us a valuable lesson. The day before my first home football game of the season, my senior quarterback boldly stood up in front of the entire team and coaches and quoted the above Scripture.
He reinforced a standard that we coaches teach all of the time—how in football the team may be made up of eleven parts, but they must be one unit working toward one goal of either scoring or stopping the other team from scoring. On a sweep to the right, if the left receiver or left tackle does not make a cutoff block, then the chances of the running back scoring greatly diminishes. If the coaching staff decides that a team is not worthy enough to practice with a sense of urgency, then an upset can likely occur.
The same principle is true in the Body of Christ. In the church, from the pastoral leadership down to each volunteer worker, if a job is not done, then the overall goal of reaching the lost is hindered. If the FCA Huddle leadership is not committed to making a difference on their campus, then a difference will not be made.
1. As a coach, are you the “head” that is making your players better mentally, physically, and spiritually?
2. As a member of the Body of Christ, are you a productive part, or is your part entrenched with atrophy?
3. Being a coach is what you have been called to do. Are you glorifying the Lord daily in your calling?
Extra Reading: Psalm 133:1; 1 Corinthians 12:13–31
Lord, I pray that You will use me in my calling as a coach. I pray that You will enable me to be an effective head of the team that I have been blessed with and positively impact the players in a godly manner. I also ask that I will be used to do Your will as a member of the Body of Christ. Amen.