"Set your minds on what is above, not on what is on earth." — Colossians 3:2
In our culture, sports figures are elevated to star status and placed on lofty pedestals. Coaches feel great pressure to compile winning records. Yet, in spite of this trend, I believe God calls us as Christian coaches to focus on matters of the heart such as the spiritual lives of our players and fellow staff members. With every interaction, we have the opportunity to be a witness for Christ.
The movie, “King Arthur,” depicts the bravery and heroism of a group of men fighting for a cause with the intensity and dedication that a coach expects from his players. One of the most compelling lines from the movie is, “There is no worse death than the end of hope.” Truly, we are without hope if we do not focus on God. If we fix our minds on earthly things, we will never be satisfied. The losing seasons will crush our souls. We may labor during our entire careers and never experience the worldly success that affords us status among our peers, but we can still achieve success in God’s eyes if we pursue His will. With this renewed focus comes the promise that God will be our shield, our comfort, and our rock. May we cling to this hope as the backbone of our careers.
1. Where do your priorities lie?
2. As believers, we are called to excellence. How do we balance this pursuit of excellence in our coaching careers with the other responsibilities God has given us?
3. Think of a time when your hope in Christ sheltered you during a trial?
Extra Reading: Psalms 119:16; 147:11; Lamentations 3:24; 1 Peter 1:20–21
Father, thank You for giving me living hope in Your Son. I thank You for calling me to be a steward of Your grace in the coaching profession. I ask that You help me focus my mind on Your purposes, while upholding a standard of excellence in all that I do. Amen.