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Your Burning Bush

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By BOwens

December 27, 2010


“Do not come closer,” He said. “Take your sandals off your feet, for the place where you are standing is holy ground.” Then he continued, “I am the God of your father, the God of Abraham, the God of Isaac, and the God of Jacob.” Moses hid his face because he was afraid to look at God. — Exodus 3:5–6


As a coach have you ever had a bad day, bad week, or bad year? Many of us would answer “yes.” At one point, Moses could have said he was having a “bad life.” Most of his life had been a lie. He committed murder, Pharaoh tried to kill him, and, in fear, he ran from his problems to the desert. Then came his defining moment in life—the burning bush.

Years ago I heard a preacher say he believed that Moses did indeed take off his shoes at God’s command; but he believed there was deeper reason. Moses taking off his shoes was symbolic of stepping out of his own work. He more than likely had made his own shoes. By stepping out of his shoes, or his work, he was telling God that he could not do what God had in store for him on his own. By looking at the soles of his shoes, Moses may have even peered into his own soul, recounting the things he had done. This gave him a chance to examine if his life had honored God. Then Moses had to make a choice.


1. Have you come to your burning bush yet?
2. Have you examined your soul? Have you been honoring God?
3. Are you in a place where you realize it’s time to step out of your own works and do the work God has for you?


Extra Reading: Jeremiah 29:11


Dear God, as I coach, I realize that no matter how much success I might have, it is nothing in comparison to the influence I can have on coaches and players. Today I step out of my own works and totally surrender to You. I know I may mess up, but I know You can use me to do great things for You. Amen.