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The Power of Prayer

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By FCA Resources

January 18, 2011


“And so I tell you, keep on asking, and you will receive what you ask for. Keep on seeking, and you will find. Keep on knocking, and the door will be opened to you. For everyone who asks, receives. Everyone who seeks, finds. And to everyone who knocks, the door will be opened.”
- Luke 11:9-10 (NLT) 


Nate is as strong as a bull. While playing superback in college in the Big Ten Conference, he battled some of the toughest players in the game of football. Right before Christmas this year, however, he found out that he was battling an even tougher opponent: Stage 3 cancer. On Christmas Eve, he had a tumor removed, but the doctors were still concerned that more cancer might have spread. No amount of physical strength alone would be able to tackle this issue.

In Scripture, we read that Jesus taught His followers how to pray. He told the story of a man who went to a friend’s home very late one night and made some requests for help. The man was very bold, specific and persistent in his request, and eventually, he received what he asked for. Through this story, Jesus made a clear point on how we should be pray.

Through Nate’s situation, a great number of people chose to put Jesus’ teaching to work. When word came out about Nate’s condition, a Facebook page was set up called PUSH 33 for Nate (Pray Until Something Happens combined with his jersey number). People who joined this group were encouraged to pray for 33 minutes a day for Nate and his critical situation. More than 1,700 people joined this group in less than 10 days. A Caring Bridge page was also set up so that supporters could stay up-to-date. And, when people starting praying, God responded.

When Nate went back for further testing and blood work, the doctor announced amazing news. His blood work was NORMAL! No cancer was found. The doctor looked at Nate’s mom in surprise, not knowing how to explain the results. She simply replied that people had started to pray and that they were going to pray until something happened.

Today, Nate may not be out of the woods, but it is clear Who is in control of the situation. And if there has been any lesson to be learned, it is that when people pray, God responds. It may not always be the answer we are looking for, but it is always what God intends. In this situation, it was for Nate’s healing. Thank You, Lord. I, for one, believe in the power of prayer. 


1. What situation are you facing that requires the power of prayer?
2. Do you truly believe that God hears and answers your prayers? Explain why or why not, then compare your opinion with what the Bible says.
3. How can you encourage others in your life to pray more boldly? 


Psalm 27:7
Psalm 116:1-2
Jeremiah 29:11-13
Mark 11:24