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God Uses Second Chances

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By Christa Larson

May 10, 2011


“…as far as the east is from the west, so far has He removed our transgressions from us.” - Psalm 103:12 (NIV)


God gives second chances. Actually, God gives us more than just second chances; He gives us millions of chances, because despite our endless mistakes and sins God still loves us. I don’t know about you, but I mess up a lot. Whether it is by having pride, judging others, denying God’s will in my life or giving into temptation, I just cannot seem to stop feeling like I am failing God. After seeming to let God down so many times it is hard to understand that God still has a plan to use me to do His will. But, boy, does He have a plan.

In the Gospels we read a lot about Simon Peter, one of Jesus’ most steadfast disciples, who promises never to leave Jesus and then fails miserably by denying Jesus three times. Once the rooster crows and Peter realizes his broken promise to Jesus, he buries his face in his hands and weeps.

We all have been in Peter’s shoes. As if messing up wasn’t bad enough on its own, we also have to deal with the fact that we swore to God that we wouldn’t mess up again the last time we gave into temptation. Sorrow hits us square in the face, and we are left feeling hopeless and far from God. Fortunately there is hope in our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ! In times like these, God wants us to admit our sins, accept His forgiveness and grow closer to Him so that He can use us to do His will.

Let’s go back to Peter. After Christ rose from the grave, He appears to Peter and asks him three times if Peter loves Him. Peters answers with passion, “Yes Lord, you know that I love you.” Jesus then builds Peter’s confidence and prepares him to go out into the world by giving him the task to care for God’s children. Peter denied God, but God did not give up on him. Nor does God give up on us when we deny Him with our sin.

Today, when temptation gets the best of you and you feel as though you have messed up so many times that God cannot use you, think again. Confess your sin, accept His forgiveness, and listen for God’s voice to guide you to do His will. God has great plans for your life, so don’t give up on yourself or on God.


1. Have you given up on yourself or on God because of your sin?
2. Is there something you are ashamed of that you need to admit to God and hand over to Him?
3. Are you listening to hear God's will for your life?


John 21:15-17
Philippians 1:6
Ephesians 2:22