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A Deceitful Heart

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By GeorgeDarlington

January 27, 2012


The heart is more deceitful than anything else and desperately sick—who can understand it? I, the LORD, examine the mind. I test the heart to give to each according to his way, according to what his actions deserve. — Jeremiah 17:9–10


These verses examine a lot of things in our lives. Will we have anxiety? Sure, but we must not let it lead to self-destruction. God knows our hearts. He knows what motivates us. Our trust must be in the Lord, not in our own abilities. We need to look to the Lord and think, Lord, how will you use me?

Proverbs talks about the rewards of wisdom. We’re not to lean on our own understanding, but trust the Lord with all our heart. I don’t always do that. I desire to, but I still have anxiety and that doesn’t do anyone any good. Anxiety is destructive. For example, if our players are uptight, they won’t perform to the best of their abilities. If I put my trust in anything but the Lord, I won’t be as successful as I can be. That trust plays out in a lot of different ways.

If I give one dollar to the Lord, I trust He is going to give two dollars back. If I honor Him with my resources, He will honor me with His. But if getting something back is my motivation, I probably won’t get it.

We need to examine our hearts. Do we trust the Lord? Do we understand where our opposition comes from? We need to humbly beseech God in all we do. I’m speaking to the mirror, here. If we do that, we can be successful and fruitful in all we do.


1. Do I trust the Lord with all my heart?
2. Do I rely on my own abilities rather than letting God take the lead?
3. When I oppose the Lord, from where is that opposition coming? Fear? Ego? Somewhere else?
4. What is my motivation in trusting God?


Extra Reading: Psalm 56:4, 11; Proverbs 3:5; 9:10; Isaiah 40:31


Lord, You know my heart before I ever speak a word. Help me trust You with all my heart. Help me identify and overcome the things that hold me back from putting my trust in You in all things. Amen.