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Prayer of Faith

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By Brandon Jones

February 11, 2012


“And if you believe, you will receive whatever you ask for in prayer.” –Matthew 21:22


I’ve come a long way in my life. I’ve been blessed all along this road I’ve been down. I’ve prayed a lot. I have a praying family and I have a lot of praying friends. I do believe that God is the Father. You trust in Him. He’s whom you answer to. He’s who knows you. I know that all the ability in the world wouldn’t amount to anything if I didn’t acknowledge that God gave it all to me. I pray about everything and it’s helped me get through a lot of situations.

When I was in high school, I almost didn’t pass my entrance exams to get into college. I had to believe that God would help me, and then allow me to receive that help when it came. I ended up passing those tests, and I was able to go to college. Prayer is something I believe in. But it also takes faith. You have to believe in God and know who your Master is and know that things will happen for you according to His will.


1. What people or things in your life do you trust the most? Have you ever been let down by someone or something you trust? How did that affect your trust in the future?
2. What does the word “faith” mean to you? Have you ever struggled to have faith in God? Explain.
3. What is something that you need to trust God for in your life? How do the words in Matthew 21:22 impact your ability to have faith in Him for whatever you need?


Matthew 17:20-21; 2 Corinthians 4:13-14; Hebrews 11:6; 1 Peter 1:20-21


Lord, strengthen my faith in You. Give me a deeper desire to know Your promises and to allow those promises to take hold in my life. Whenever difficult situations come my way, help me trust in You completely for a blessed future full of purpose and abundant life. Amen.