“Humble yourselves, therefore, under the mighty hand of God, so that He may exalt you at the proper time.” - 1 Peter 5:6
During the 2012 Summer Olympics, the world watched as US athlete Gabby Douglas claimed gold in the all-around portion of the gymnastics competition after anchoring the team’s run to a gold medal two nights before. When interviewed immediately after the competition, Douglas flashed her trademark smile, then displayed a depth of maturity rarely seen: "I give all the glory to God. It's kind of a win-win situation. The glory goes up to Him, and the blessings fall down on me."
With her succinct statement, Gabby summarized what true humility is all about. Humility is a combination of several things: the opposite of false pride, putting others before yourself, meekness, modesty and a form of submission. Humility is never false modesty. True humility can recognize the greatness of a moment but always attributes that greatness to God, not self. As Peter wrote, "Humble yourselves, therefore, under the mighty hand of God.” The result? James says if you “humble yourselves before the Lord... He will exalt you.” (James 4:10) So, when we practice true humility, God not only gets the glory, but in His great love He lifts us up. As Gabby reminds us, all of His blessings fall down on us. During our competition, let's remember to be true to God, submit to Him and give Him Glory. He will lift you up in due time!
1. Have you ever had a moment of greatness (great achievement, personal best, key victory, won a championship?) What were your thoughts in that moment?
2. How do you display humility during a great moment, when others seek to praise themselves?
3. How do you practice humility on a daily basis?
James 4: 6-10
About the Author:
Leo Sayles is a long-term FCA volunteer, having served in several capacities over his coaching career. He currently serves as the Head Volleyball Coach at Gardern-Webb University